Zirqax Gelyia's Comments

Hi.... erm..... your sons really hot- sorry if that’s weird pfft .... um but I noticed his up for shipping and I’m always trying to branch out to other people with fantrolls to try and get more friends/people and was wondering if I might be allowed to try? I’m not sure on your shipping rules like if you just ship with friends and such 👉🏻👈🏻

Oh, hello! I'm glad you like him!! I don't mind plotting/shipping with people I don't know too well, so I'm open to shipping with you! Though I do tend to roleplay over on my tumblr account (grimnoir). I also only ship with those 18+ since I myself am 20 years old.

Oh yay ^^ ok well I’ll go ahead and make a tumblr and don’t worry I just turned 22 this month ^^ 

Oh, if you're making one I'll give you a follow but don't feel pressured! I just don't know how to rp on toyhouse lol I'm new to this. But if you have any trolls in mind for Zirqax, you can message me here or on my tumblr and tell me which quad! :)

I’m super new to tumblr  I usually rp better in discord but I did make a tumblr my name is GluttonyTheSinz, I’ll have to finish uploading my ocs to th and then I’ll look at my trolls and send some to you ^^ .... I do want to admit I havnt fully read the webcomic but I’ve gotten enough spoils to know things about trolls tho I apologize in advance if I ask too many questions