Shiel (Wakfu AU)



  • Shiel Chevalier

  • shiel_thumb_by_punx_simon-dcs1l00.png
  • Age 24
  • Gender Male
  • Race Feca
  • Nation Brakmar
  • Alignment True Neutral

"If you want it, work for it"

Shiel comes from Brakmar, but most of his life he has spent in Amakna, after his parents ran away with him from their nation during a civil war, when he was six. Years later Shiel decided to come back to his homeland and crontibute to rebuilding Brakmar after the war with Amakna, by joining as a scientist and engineer in a secret laboratory.



Birthday:November 18th
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 183cm
Orientation: Heterosexual
  • Raspberries
  • Forests and fresh air
  • Math and science
  • Learning new things
  • Engineering and repairing things
  • Good jokes and puns
  • Pointless fights
  • Procrastinators
  • Loud and obnoxious people
  • Being the center of attention 
  • Unprofessionalism
  • Being provoked


Shiel is very cautious and thoughtful; always thinking before he acts. He prefers to have and obey some rules, but he's capable of breaking them if he has a good reason to do so. He has the ability to remain calm in tense situations. Even if something is giving him a trouble, he won't let anyone see it and keeps a poker face.  
Shiel is responsible and self-possessed most of the time. He's often very quiet and reserved, and sometimes a little awkward when expressing his feelings. Most would say he has a tough personality, is cold, aloof and restrained. However, he's a loving and caring person which can be seen when he's together with his family.
He loves his parents a lot and respects them, willingly helps with home duties and loves to spend time with them. Home is also where he feels the happiest.

Other details

  • Shiel's parents are merchants who sell weapons, bread, and pastry. He has learned a lot from them since he was little, having interest mainly in creating weapons.
  • He has found a bow meow (a cat) on a street when he was 16 and named him Casper. 

  • He named him Casper because he often disappears unnoticed or appears without anyone's notice, 
    like a ghost.
  • Likes to be kissed on the neck.


TELEPORTATION.Teleports anywhere within 20 meters.Can teleport carrying any object (not bigger than himself)or a single person.ICE STAFFForms a 6-foot-long staff formed of frozen waterand wields this staff as if it were a quarterstaff.Can create with the staff walls of ice or frozen the ground.HEXASHIELDCreates a very durable shield made out of holographic hexagons.FLAMING CARPETWith a touch of a hand, sets the ground on fire,for as long as the hand touches the ground.METEORITESCasts from a distance medium size meteorites to fall on an opponent.CRASHING WAVEAttacks a target with a huge wave of water.After the spell's duration expires, the water disappears.DOWNPOURCasts on a fixed area a driving rain, which reduces hearing and visibility.After the spell's duration expires, the water disappears.


Shiel was born in Brakmar. When he was 6 he moved out to Amakna together with his parents due to a civil war going on in Brakmar. This had lead to him being often disliked and bullied by Amaknian kids, who were often told how bad and awful the Brakmarians are. 

In middle school, Shiel was acting very defensive which resulted in his isolation amongst other students. He grew up detaching himself and his feelings from people around him and being to them mostly unfriendly. However, he never was a loner type and didn't want to be one. There still were few people who wanted to befriend him and he gained a few acquaintances and friends, but never was able to develop a deep bond with any of them because of his trust issues. For a troublesome teenager that he was, he studied very hard and was getting good grades. Some kids tried to accuse him of cheating on tests but he could prove his intelligence. 

Later in his life, he studies in an Amaknian university where he meets his love, Chalsea. Right after he graduates, he decides to move back to his homeland, Brakmar. It's where he gets hired as a scientist in a newly opened laboratory, founded by the Brakmarian government. At the new workplace, he has finally made some good friends he hangs out with occasionally. Now his job at work is to create feca gauntlets, cra bows, stuff for xelors, daggers for srams and other various weapons and mechanisms.

Chalsea [ Girlfriend ]
Shiel has met Chalsea in an amaknian university when he was 21. She tried really hard to befriend him, bt because of Shiel's former experience with people, who tried to use him and pretended to be his friends, he tried to avoid her at first. However, he still observed her sometimes from a distance, and he eventually came to a conclusion that she can really be a nice person, so he opened up a little more. They started to talk more with each day and Chalsea quickly became the first person to really make him smile and laugh, aside from his parents. Their relationship has settled once Shiel has invited Chalsea over to his room and they had a sincere talk, as well as their first kiss and sex. Since then, their love has never faded away. They trust each other a lot and are loyal and respectful towards each other. They know they can depend on each other.

Michelle and Evangel  [Parents
Shiel was always very close to his parents. For most of his life, their presence was the only thing bringing him happiness. Always respected them and knew he can count on them. Always helpful and obedient, helping with all of the duties. Together they make a small but tight-knit warm family based on trust, understanding, and love.

Grace [Boss
Shiel has met Grace for the first time when he was at his job interview. He is very impressed by her and respects her. 

Grace appreciates Shiel's efforts and eventually gives him a promotion. However, later on, she decides to use Shiel for her vile plan. This is where Shiel instead of admiration, begins to be frightened of her. After he gets used by Grace, he starts to despise her.

Noya [Friend
Noya is Shiel's childhood friend. They used to play a lot in Pabong Fields until Shiel had to move out to Amakna with his parents. Years later, when Shiel came back to Brakmar, they met again in a tavern by a coincidence. Since then they meet occasionally to have a friendly duel and wrestles or just to drink beer together.

Marcus [Friend
Once Shiel has finished high school, he began to look for friends in riktus people who were coming to Amakna to rob people out of their resources. He met Marcus during one of these robberies while helping riktus people in their act. Marcus, as the leader of the group, quickly began to like Shiel for his contributions. They were getting along from the very beginning, finding a common language as if they knew each other for years. Marcus has also helped Shiel to find brakmarian friends who also lived in Amakna. 

Nowadays Marcus helps Shiel as his Vice Governor.

Loren [?
Shiel has met Loren when he was in high school. He had no reason to hate Loren, beside him being amaknian. But since Loren was the popular boy of the school, Shiel has chosen him as his target of violence and decided to bully him in order to appear more intimidating and to become feared by others. He wanted to show his superiority over the others. But years later, Shiel meets Loren in different circumstances, helps Loren in trouble and apologizes to him for his past mistakes. At some points they became friends, but right now their relationship is complicated.
