
7 years, 7 months ago


Used a magic weapon from the fallen Reverend Kingdom. Is a black scaled Doubis with red fins. The brown stone orb is inscribed with runes allowing its wielder to move the object at will, resulting in a large blunt projectile. It is about 1'6" in diameter. A person claims owner ship by placing their blood inside a vile then inserting it within the orb. The orb weaver wears light armor as pants and arm guards. The rest of his body is left bare to make use of his swimming fins, claws, and fangs. Is an expert at handling foes with his orb at a medium range, and personally dispatching those who manage to get into a close range.

Mavo began his journey from home at a very young age with his father. His father, who had a hunger for adventures, took his son along many a beaten path just to see where it lead. In truth Mavo’s father never did care for adventure, but instead it was his mother. His father was satisfied with life at the their tribal village. When Mavo was still a babe his mother fell ill and feared she never be able to see the world. On her deathbed his father promised that he and Mavo would see the whole world in her place and share all they saw when they met in the afterlife. His father took Mavo and left the village when he turned 10 and they began their journey. Twenty years later Mavo’s father fell ill himself, and it was then that Mavo learned of his father’s promise. Mavo assured him he’d uphold his vow and see the rest of the world, and share his stories with both his parents when the day comes.