🪲 Hidden 🪲's Comments

I love this guy they're so epic WHAT

HAI!! Would you look at cash offers on this beast? :D 

potentially !

Would $100 be too low of an offer? :o 

i’ll consider!

Okie dokie!! It’d be upfront if that helps :]

Edit: actually I’ll up my offer to $125 that seems fairer!

i’ll def let you know i just gotta think on it !

1 Replies

If Ur still offering I'll take 125!

1 Replies

Super cute!

Hey!! I think Caint had some sketches of this guy, would you want those?

Oh! I looked around and could only find the one piece, if you have any more I'd be super grateful ;v;

OU Hey I love this guy ;0; Good job on getting him >w< <33