đź’€ | vee



3 years, 10 months ago


[ virgil “vee” drewitt | she/her | nonbinary aroace | 14 ]
virgil, usually just called vee, is a 14-year-old kid starting her freshmen year at a private christian high school, though she absolutely is not christian on account of the ghosts that plague her life. she has been able to communicate with ghosts for her whole life and, using her necklace, she is able to see them as well. she’s never found this ability useful or planned to do much with it, aside from sometimes making a few friends who are ghosts, and she doesn’t understood the whole “helping them move on” thing some media seems set on. vee’s never truly seen a ghost move on to any sort afterlife, and she doesn’t intend to try. she’s really quite annoyed with the whole ghost thing.
recently, vee’s run into three ghosts formerly involved with the school: ms. rue tesoro-rodriguez, a past english teacher; robin forestier, a former popular girl and art kid; and mars blanchett, who used to be a sort of outcasted theater kid. they all claim to have the same murderer, and though it makes sense to vee, she doesn’t exactly have the clear evidence to try to do anything about it— the ghosts don’t even actually know who killed them, and there’s a monster lurking about school who has stolen their identities and is pretending to be all of them. unfortunately for vee, these ghosts keep sticking around and are kind of desperate to make sure their killer is delivered to justice, so she’s doing her best to investigate the murders and discover the culprit. that’s kind of hard to do when the deaths aren’t even officially recognized, though…
vee generally considers herself a loner who doesn’t need other people at all, but truthfully she’s just isolating herself after the death of her older sister and best friend, johanna [“jo”]. she’s always been an introvert, but for a long time her favorite [and only] friends were the people jo hung around. with jo gone, her friends have no real reason to entertain her 6-years-younger sibling, and vee was too lost in her grief to try anyways. she’s snappy, blunt, and cold with anyone who tries to talk to her, and pushes people away purposefully, but she’s still just a kid who craves validation and love from the people around her. her family tries, but their grieving involves ignoring jo’s death altogether and moving on, and vee wants nothing more than to linger on it for the rest of her life.


as mentioned, vee is able to hear and speak with ghosts, and has been able to do so since she was born. it’s a recessive trait that she just so happened to get from her parents, and the last people with this ability in her family were her great grandparents. she tried to explain it to her parents once and never again, as they thought she was just making it up because of the stories of her great grandparents’ “supposed abilities”, as well as the modern resurgence of people claiming they’re able to communicate with the dead. johanna had always believed in vee.

her power does not inherently allow her to see the ghosts she is communicating with. this ability is given to her by the necklace she wears that resembles a crystal ball, gifted to her by jo on vee’s 10th birthday. it became a lot easier for her to deal with sudden voices when she could actually find where they came from.   


you can read the notes on her reference, but i’ll also write them down here! vee lost the top of one ear after she messed around with an angry ghost when she was younger. her hair dyed consistently as to not let the roots show [but her hair underneath is black] and it’s a tiny bit longer on one side and can cover her ear [the one that’s fully there] or not. 

she can’t stand how most makeup feels when she’s putting it on or wearing it, so she wears eyeliner and nothing else. there are two moles by her eye and one near her upper lip. 

you can totally change her outfit! the one she’s wearing is her school uniform [the “”male”” one. which has a plain white button up and gray pants as well as an option for shorts] with her comfort sweatshirt over it- she wears it obsessively, but you can put her in something else. most of vee’s clothes are stained with paint, as she paints for her only hobby, and usually it’s purple because that’s her favorite color. she ALWAYS wears her necklace and a fidget ring with 6 beads on it that can be moved around.