Alivia Ashe (✨ Creature-Crossing)



3 years, 6 months ago





Alivia is best known for being an absolute drama queen who enjoys "clasping her paws to her breast and oozing down to drape herself across the sofa," and "reclining luxiously in tinted sunglasses with scrumptious, soft pretzels between her teeth" (Her words, not mine). She's better known for her melodramatic personality, in fact, than for her status as an ex-deity who once guarded the moon of some distant planet far, far away. She doesn't keep her status a secret from anyone, so... that's saying a lot.

Alivia lives life one day at a time, constantly flicking between whatever catches her attention span in an attempt to drown her self-esteem issues; she's haunted by her past failures and comforts herself with mortal pleasures such as an endless supply of chocolate, keeping up with celebrity trends, getting hyped over TV sports, and throwing herself into impulse shopping trips to the most expensive venues around. Attention is everything and she drinks it up religiously. She's more than a little shallow, but Percy has certainly softened her... She's better than she WAS, and isn't that what counts?

Alivia is currently expecting Percy's first child. Unfortunately, in her species, pregnancies can last anywhere from one month to a hundred years; you never really know and since Alivia doesn't have many members of her species to compare herself with, it seems kind of random. There's no telling how long she'll be pregnant... Though since her stomach hasn't gotten very large, it will probably be a while. Whatever happens, she and Percy can tackle it together. Or Alivia can just do it by herself, whatev.

Recently, Alivia's niece, Pippin (the daughter of Percy's sister), arrived in Lilypad to stay with her aunt and uncle. Though Alivia generally gives off the impression she's bored of everyone and everything, she's growing fond of Pippin and will invite her niece to join her in much of what she does. I guess in a way... she found a new young moon to watch over...


May 23rd
Satin City
14 Sunfall Street, Lilypad Town
Percy Mineral
Nero and Luke
Taffy and Mira
Pippin Lupin


β˜… "Ultraluminary" - Over the Moon

β˜… "Perfect Isn't Easy" - Oliver and Company

β˜… "How Far I'll Go" - Moana

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist


Scroll for info

β˜… Alivia's lore is a nod to the Norse mythology of SkΓΆll and Hati (two wolf brothers who hunt the sun and moon as prey)

β˜… Doesn't introduce herself as Tsotm, but any mind-reader worth their salt would know that's her name... Better ones will know that technically ISN'T her name and the best can figure out what her real name is without me spelling it out. Verbally, she'll tell you anything you want to know about life in her deity days, except that accursed name...

β˜… No wedding ring; she finds that custom silly. Will correct anyone who refers to her as "Alivia Mineral," as she uses the last name Ashe

β˜… Not counting her unborn child, Alivia has two sons and two daughters, all with different partners. Their names are Nero, Dolly ("Taffy"), Luka, and Mira. They live in Satin City, but may be referenced on occasion

β˜… Has an extremely long morning routine... Bathroom is OFF LIMITS when Alivia's busy with her hair

β˜… Super petty and goes into goddess mode when she asks for your manager

β˜… Technically dumped moon escort duties on the Servant of the Sun when she skulked off. She's been ignoring all his calls, blocked him on every social media site, and he's getting desperate. Probably not important.

β˜… Feels uncomfortable during twilight hours and much of the night because it reminds her of all that she's lost.... Sadly, she tends to be more active during nocturnal hours do you see the problem

β˜… Has a tendency to yell at the sky... she gets v jealous. Bemoans cloudy days, considering them a thin excuse of this planet's "servants" to get out of doing their jobs

β˜… Prefers dressing in comfortable and/or simplistic clothes

β˜… Loves attending loud and flashy parties, but isn't usually invited because... //gestures at personality

β˜… Believes all celebrity gossip, buys their merch religiously, and collects trading cards of sports celebrities

β˜… Learning how to bake! Really likes cupcakes and will be offended if you turn them down

β˜… If Alivia were a PokΓ©mon, she would be a shiny Cresselia who represents herself as an Alolan Ninetales among mortals. Her nature would be Lax and her IV would be Hates to Lose

β˜… Her favorite food is corndogs and her favorite color is rainbow

β˜… Alas, the mortals of Tuu did not bless her with an eternally trim figure; those chocolates go right to the hips. But on the plus side, they DID give her a love for exercise!

β˜… Whines to Daddy constantly and he just has to live like this. Occasionally visits but only when he can handle Alivia in large doses

Base profile box code by Coywolfy || Pagedoll art by RukiHiroshi