Kit Zelding (👻 Creature-Crossing)



3 years, 5 months ago





Timid in face-to-face confrontation but bold when hiding in another's skin... That's Kit, also known as the least enthusiastic environmentalist you'll ever meet... You know, the kind who'll set up a collection box for charity, but will sound incredibly bored telling you all about it to the point you wonder if he's deliberately trying to turn you away. Half hir free time is spent caring for potted plants (which hir and Roland's bedroom is absolutely covered in), the other half dedicated to picking up litter and letting out exaggerated sighs when anyone comes near enough to talk to hir. Kit has no interest in books, TV, card games, board games, or much of anything, really... Life simply revolves around the environment, as much as he resents it. Well... That, and listening in on private conversations. Kit is absolutely addicted to gossip and often turns invisible to eavesdrop undetected. Despite this, he dislikes spreading rumors and much prefers to seek out all sides of a story before saying anything.

The reason behind the tender care he shows hir many plants? While alive, Kit once stole fruit from a deity's enchanted orchard (the "Ash Garden") and was cursed to care for the environment forever after. Supposedly, he'll only be able to move on to hir proper afterlife if he restores the world to a state of harmony, at least on the pollution level. It doesn’t look like he’ll be leaving any time soon, but he doesn’t seem to mind.

As apathetic as he may be, Kit is constantly butting heads with "the mainstream." If he doesn’t do or have something that’s popular then he’ll shrug it off, saying that it’s overrated anyway. If he does or has something popular, he’ll defend hirself by saying he’s been doing it since before it was cool. For someone who cares so little about everyone else, it's a little surprising how much Kit cares how other people see hir. The person whose opinion he cares about most is Roland... As much as Kit complains about hir "muttonheaded, skirt-chasing roommate" to anyone who manages to engage hir in conversation, the truth is... Kit has no memories of life before the Ash Garden. All he has is Roland, and jealous Kit would rather no one - NO ONE - come between them... But, like, he doesn't want Roland to KNOW that, y'know?


Unknown - April 18th, 1771
April 18th, 1771 - Present
Satin City(?)
24 Hunt Street, Lilypad Town
Roland Silvertwig(?)
Preferably forgotten


"If I Die Young" - The Band Perry

"Poison and Wine" - The Civil Wars

"Starring Role" - Marina and the Diamonds

"Entropy" - Awkward Marina

"Title" - Artist

"Title" - Artist

"Title" - Artist

"Title" - Artist


★ Stating upfront that I don't plan to draw any parts of Kit's body behind hir (like a swishy tail or a hand behind the back) that would be seen through hir transparent body. This is an artistic choice to keep lineart clean, though in canon you would definitely be able to see see hir holding up fingers behind hir back

Addi was actually the original CC reboot of Kit. After Addi began to develop into their own character, I decided to bring "the real" Kit in after all. As a running gag, Kit and Addi both know strange details about each other and apparently "have history" (though both brush it off as "a long story"). This could be a joke or I might be completely serious and this could be a huge foreshadowing clue.

★ Doesn't hide the truth and will tell you anything you want to know. Unless he doesn't feel like it. Dislikes spreading rumors and much prefers to make sure he has all sides of the whole truth before saying anything

★ Boneless; can squash and stretch. Feels misty to the touch, but has a sort of "stiffness" about hir that gives hir shape and the ability to stand (Usually floats, though)

★ Struggles with pyromania and harm OCD

★ Isn't a vegan or vegetarian and he doesn't even (gasp!) truly believe in saving the Whale Sharks

★ Hir favorite food is grilled pork and hir favorite color is green. Has a hoard of green objects and adds to it constantly... Watch your stuff

★ Will absolutely possess you if given permission. Call hir if you have stage fright or really hate jogging and need someone to take over your brain for an hour; he'll do it for fun

★ Suffers terrible headaches and hangovers after possessing others but the highs are apparently "Worth it"

★ Tends to pick up traits from those he possesses, especially if he possessed them for an extended period of time; will show these traits days or even weeks later

★ A very dear child to me, plz treat hir nice (Disclaimer: Do not actually treat hir nice, he's the most garbage child I have)

Base profile box code by Coywolfy || Pagedoll art by RukiHiroshi