Melon Solstice



3 years, 9 months ago


Last Update: June 26th, 2021 - Finished new ref


This page's progress

CC tab and links page

Refs and Forms

Table of Contents

Ribbon Page


Image Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4



HOW-TO - Read either _'s anthro or human profile page to decide if you are interested in RPing with her. If you are, please glance through my "RP Info" linked above. That page outlines my general RP preferences and comfort level. After reading it enough to understand what I'm looking for and understanding how to communicate with me, please post an RP request HERE or privately message me with the info found in this second link. I like to treat characters and RPs seriously, so thank you for taking the time.

INTERACTIONS - _ is available for RPs at almost any point along her timeline and can develop ships in her "past," "present," and "future." If you are interested in RPing with her as a general character (outside the canon of a specific universe), feel free! She is capable of forming relationships this way, but please note that certain details cannot be canon for versions of her in world-specific stories if they would not make sense. In other words, please be aware that my table of contents pages are divided up by world for a reason. If I post a story that contradicts an RP and this confuses you, please check what world it's listed under or ask me for clarification.

SHIPPING - _ is not a ship-claimed character. At this time, she is available for shipping with separately in each individual world and timeline she appears in. If you have a character who is already in a ship with her and there is genuine interest in a permanent ship and future long-term plans, we can discuss it and possibly make the ship official... and overarching across worlds. _'s status will then change to "in a long-distance relationship" in any world she appears in where her overarching S/O does not.

_'s ship preferences can be found in the "Ship Info" block below.


These points are crucial to _'s character and remain consistent across worlds, though they can be adjusted based on in-universe age. Location names can be substituted from world to world, but cultural vibes should remain.

★ NAME AND ORIGIN - _ originates from _ In the anthro world, her full name is _.

★ FAMILY LIFE - All iterations of _ are the daughter of NAME and the sister to NAME.

★ AGE AND JOB - _ is generally portrayed as a young adult (early 20s), although she is open to RP with at other points in her timeline. _'s career interests are _, but her default job is working at _ unless this doesn't make sense in that universe.

★ ASPIRATION - _'s long-term goal is to _. She would prefer to live in _.

★ PERSONALITY - Strengths, weaknesses, and interactions with other characters

★ INTERESTS - Activities

★ STYLE - Clothing and colors

★ LOVE LIFE - Date preferences

_'s ideal wedding would be large/small, be held at _, and involve _.


Scroll for info

Interest: “_”

Expected Romance Speed: _

Status: Single; actively looking for exclusive relationship

Preferences: _

Relationship Experience: _

Thoughts on PDA: _

Thoughts on Kids: _

♥ _

♥ _

♥ _

♥ If someone confessed they had a crush on her, _ would likely _

Open for relationships / RP at other points in her timeline

Open for friendship attempts

Closed for family member creation and co-plots

Open for crush headcanons

Open for a roommate moving in

Open for one-off date headcanons / RPs

Open for dating for just a few months (For fun and plot; temporary)

Open for a long-distance relationship (Dating characters outside current worlds)

Closed for a friends-with-benefits relationship

Open for potential long-term romance

★ Not opposed to a poly relationship


★ Not open for a poly relationship


ORIGINS - Explain history of adopt and link "adopt sheet" or explain history of this design

FUN FACTS - Explain the reason for this character's name, where you came up with the idea for their personality, and what inspired their design.

PAST AND FUTURE - _ officially became mine on Month day, 20XX and is forever homed with me. At present, all of her alt forms are designed by me. Her designated colors are _.

Base profile box code by Coywolfy || Progress bar insp. from AviCode || Moodboard circles code by Eggy