


3 years, 10 months ago


"I'm Defies-Shadows, though my pack often still calls me Licht, after my former name, Burns-the-Light. I'm the alpha of my pack, and the first White Howler since their fall - or at least, the first who has survived this long - but I will not be the last. I plan to bring them back."
  • Name: Lucy "Defies-Shadows" Wiltschek
  • Nickname: Licht
  • Age: 3
  • Apparent Age: 18
  • Pronouns: Doesn't care, but most use she/her
  • Height: 90cm in Lupus; 145cm in Hispo; 280cm in Crinos; 185cm in Glabro; 170cm in Homid
  • Species: Werewolf
  • Breed: Lupus
  • Auspice: Ragabash
  • Tribe: White Howlers
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hairstyle: Long and straight, but somewhat unkempt
  • Fur Color: Black with a white spot on the chest in Lupus; pure white in Crinos; in Hispo and Glabro, most of her fur has a sickly greenish-grey color, with flecks of white and black. Anywhere the different colors meet, there is what looks like raw flesh in between, making it seem almost as if her pelt was sewn together from different wolves (It was not, this is her natural look).
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Notable traits: In Crinos and Hispo, her ears have a weird shape due to being born in a Black Spiral Dancer Hive

Survival First

Being a werewolf, of course Licht is loyal to her pack, to her tribe - well, she's currently the only member of it, but in theory - and to the Garou as a whole. However, all this loyalty means nothing if she dies now, does it? While Licht is willing to risk her life, she is not willing to throw it away. Better to run away and live to fight another day. Some other werewolves may call that cowardly; Licht herself would call it smart.

Pride against Prejudice

When Licht fled the Black Spiral Dancers, she had a choice; she could have ducked her head and acted submissive and like she was trying to atone and apologize for having been part of them. Surely, some of the other werewolves were expecting her to do just that, after all, Black Spiral Dancers are among the Gaian Garou's worst enemies, and perhaps acting more apologetic and thankful could have soothed those wolves' nerves. Pretending like this might have even fit her auspice, as she's a Ragabash, a Trickster.
Licht did not do that. She is a White Howler, the first to exist in generations, and she will not accept being called anything less. She's willing to show respect to werewolves of a higher rank - if they deserve it. But she holds her head high and challenges others if they still call her a Black Spiral Dancer, or claim she's less trustworthy than any other werewolf. After all, she fled from the Dancers, a life-threatening decision especially for a wolf like her, whose Crinos form still shows the white fur of the Howlers. Licht is a loyal White Howler, albeit a young one, and demands the respect that should bring her.

Soft Spots

While Licht can and does show her teeth when she feels it necessary, there are a few people and groups whom she generally likes, aside from of course her pack. The first would generally be outcasts, especially Metis werewolves, as in, children of two werewolves mating; Gaian Garou tend to be harsh towards Metis werewolves, while Black Spiral Dancers wouldn't care. That Licht's older brother is one probably further solidifies that, and being an outcast herself, albeit for other reasons, means she tends to look on them more favorably. After all, it only makes sense to stick together if others don't like either of you, doesn't it?
Another group of people Licht likes are fairies. She met them by chance, and something about them might have just resonated with her Ragabash nature, in addition to them being more Wyld than most things you'd find in a city. She's especially fond of Pookah, the tricksters of the fae, though that might just be because her mate happens to be one.
Aside from sapient species, Licht really likes cats, of all animals. Something about their more independent nature, perhaps, or how many of them can and will demand a minimum amount of respect. As a Lupus werewolf, Licht isn't as likely to pick or name favorite anythings the way humans and Homid Garou are, but if one really pestered her about her favorite animal, it would be cats.

Born in Darkness

Black Spiral Dancer hives are not nice places to be, regardless of what species you are. Licht was the pup of a female Dancer and a male kinfolk wolf. Together with her siblings and her father, she grew up in or near the Hive; she rarely saw her mother until she was old enough for her first change. It usually happens a bit later than it did for Licht, but Licht's litter was checked for any prospective werewolves and when Licht was found, her first change was forced through stress. Not a fun experience, though not exactly unusual for the Dancers.
As a cub, shortly before she became a proper werewolf, Licht gained the cub name "Burns-the-Light". If anyone asked her, she'd tell them she had been fighting with Light spirits; the truth, however, was that a young Licht was rather confused about the white spot on her chest and almost set her fur on fire trying to blacken it.

A "normal" Adolescence

Normal means something very different for a Black Spiral Dancer than it would for almost anyone else. While they don't usually kill each other, simply because they need the fighting force, the Dancers can be just as cruel to one another as they are to others, some more than others. If you were lucky, you found someone to help you, willingly or not; for Licht, that would be her older half-brother, Venom Armor. Not necessarily out of kindness; while they knew each other as siblings and had some kind of affection for one another, if Licht had asked for his help, he would've at best told her to grow up and handle it herself, and at worst throw her back to whoever she needed help with. Licht, however, is a Ragabash and quickly figured out how to trick him; just steal something, no matter how small, and hide it among the possessions of her tormentors. Venom Armor wouldn't fight anyone for her, but if he thought someone was stealing from him, well, he would fight about that.

Into the Light

All Black Spiral Dancers are expected to "dance the spiral". It doesn't need to involve actual dancing, but it does require a new Dancer to walk down a path leading to the Wyrm, a path that once upon a time the White Howlers walked to slay it, and failed. Like all Dancers, Licht eventually had to go down that path - and fled. The spiral is, after all, a terrifying place, even to one who grew up in a Hive. She was not the first prospective Dancer to fail their first try, and everyone assumed she'd just be sent in again and again until she eventually danced the Spiral all the way down.
However, Licht had a link to one of her ancestors, one of the true White Howlers of old, called Eddyn, or Child-of-the-Moon. He told her about life as a Gaian Garou, and between those stories and her fear of the Spiral, she made plans to flee. Flight, too, was nerve-wrecking, but with wits, luck, and the help of her ancestor, she made it out of the Hive and far enough away that some of the Gaian Garou, called by Eddyn, could pick her up. After all, she could provide vital intel, and with her white-furred Crinos form, she would be the closest the Gaian Garou had ever come to reviving the White Howlers - if Licht could survive for long enough to have descendants.

Liljan Laska







A description of their relationship can go here




A description of their relationship can go here

What is your OC’s opinion regarding public displays of affection? Do they ever make any exceptions?

Licht is amazingly neutral. She does them when she feels like it, doesn’t when she doesn’t, and doesn’t care about seeing them.

How much does your OC value the life of a stranger?

Hard to say; she doesn’t care much from a compassion point of view. If they die, they die, tough luck. However, from a duty point of view, she does care - It’s considered honorable to save helpless humans/Garou/wolves, and Licht follows Mother Rat who asks of her followers to help outcasts and children/pups/…. Due to that, she’d still try to save them, but failing would wound her pride more than make her feel guilty.

Did you know that...
  • ... Licht is scared in the dark?
  • ... one of Licht's gifts allows her to glow?
  • ... despite being able to see color in human form, she still sorts colors into the same groups she did with wolf vision - Namely, "red-yellow-green" as one color and "blue-purple" as another
  • Stories Licht features in:
  • Title: Description.