♦World of None♦ Howleenh



3 years, 8 months ago


Nom: Howleenh (Golden kitty = warrior name

Sexe: Feminin

Âge :  23 ans

Anniversaire : 23/04

Race: Stickman (+ cat)

Taille : 1 m68

Meilleur(es) Ami(es): Clay

Couple: X

Aime: faire de nouvelles rencontres, influencer, réussir, l'argent, vêtement élégant, l'or, combattre, gagner

Déteste : moqueries envers elle, pauvreté, la pitié, la nourriture de base qualité

Animal de compagnie : x

Profession: Combattante

Défaut : voix facilement cassée

Spécialité : se teleporter, attaquer avec ses pattes, s'introduire, a un charme naturel très puissant pouvant affaiblir les attaqyes des adversaures.

Caractère : influenceuse, grande langue, perseverante, honnête, aime être appréciée, aime séduire sans plus

Intelligence : 3,5/5

Force: 5/5

Popularité : 5/5

Name: Howleenh

Fight name: Golden Kitty

O.S: Heterosexual

Gender: female

Age: 23 yo

Birthday: / 

Specie: stickman


Best Friend (s): Clay

Couple: X



Pet: X

Profession: Popular Fighter

Default: voice easily broken



- Intelligence: 4/5 

-Strength: 5/5 

-Popularity: 5/5 

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History: She's a great and known fighter, she always have been, but when she met in a final, a really silent stickman, she was intriged by him as her charm absolutly doesn't work on him, as she still won their fight, she wanted to know more about him so she followed him on all vis way home, in a bar establishment, take care off by an old couple, where Clay, the stickman she followed, and a little child that seems to be an orphan that could only find a home here. They are the only 3 people that could make Clay talk more than he talked to Howlheen, so she stayed and try in bother him for fun. They got used to each other and started doing duo battles, destroying their enemies.

S Place: switch

nsfw fanart:   

gore pastel fanart: X

gore fanart: ?... yeah?