
4 years, 1 month ago


Name:(before chronoscythe mind wipe)Nathan bull diablo(after chronoscythe mind wipe) Legion




Birthday:august 15th


Eye color:white pupil and black iris and sclera


Weight:155 lbs

Theme:everybody wants to rule the world by:Lorde 

Appearance: tall with black lines one going up on his right eye and one going down on his left eye. White skin with shark teeth. 

Personality:cold and untrusting he’s very lonesome,doesn’t think much of others that don’t have powers. To people close to him he is very protective and has a rather soft side. In battle he is silent and concentrated reading his opponents every move and studying them when he attacks he is very careful not to severely harm the opponent unless they harm him or his friends. 

Powers: foresight,chronokenisis(chronokenisis only possible with the chronoscythe),huge spiritual energy pool and Spirit bind

Weapons: chronoscythe, the chronoscythe is an ancient scythe that grants the user time control powers. The scythe has 6 time control charges, to activate the charges the user must slam the scythe’s blade in the ground causing the charge to be activated. After the charge is activated the user can choose to slow,rewind,fast forward and completely stop time for 5 seconds. With this massive power comes major sacrifice to the user most users can’t get through the 6 charges without dying because the chronoscythe sucks the spirit energy of the user. But legion with his unnatural  huge pool of spirit energy is able to withstand the chronoscythe’s massive drawbacks. 

Backstory:Nathan was a loner form the beginning he was the younger brother of the hero of power Xander and was always overlooked form his parents because of his brother's success. He longs for his parents' attention but didn’t  do anything because his brother would just out shine him. He had a crappy power as well, not like Xander’s kaioburst and buster sword that would appear at will. All he had was to predict the future and it didn’t even work if he wasn’t in battle which rarely happened. One day Nathan was walking through the woods near his house when he heard a voice. He followed the voice until he was standing in front of an altar with a rusted scythe in the middle. He felt compelled to grab it and when he did a flash of light blinded him and wiped his memory. He woke up 3 days later with the scythe in his hand no longer rusted and polished and sharpened. He does not remember who he is or his own name. He names himself legion and begins to wander the earth. He gradually begins to pick up the hero aspect and defending others and stopping  robberies.