


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Lunastella
Nickname(s): Luna, Stella, SolarMoon, StellarMoon

A being made to be a mediator for the Sun and Moon deities as their relationship with one another is too strained and tense.
Lunastella's job on itself is pretty... odd? but she manages. She's heard the Moon threaten her and the mortals countless times, she's heard the Sun weep until her own being hurt.
Surprisingly, it's only the Chaos deity who understands them, why are the Cycles so dramatic on their own? Lunastella needs a raise or something.

Fun fact(s):
-She's made out of both stardust and lava, hence why she's so bright.
-Ironically, she has made progress in making the Cycles (Sun and Moon deities) talk to each other in person.
 Penumbra doesn't hold back with her threats though.
-If allowed, she'd interact with the mortals.