021 Masahiko Becia



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




03.10.2025 (03.10.2016)


"If you have something to say, I'm listening."

Passionate Perfectionist Loyal Self-Critical


Name | Masahiko 'Hiko' Becia (formerly Masahiko Monten) Nicknames | Baby (Río), Princess (Río), Darlin' (Río), Blondie (Horoshi), Pinkie (Horoshi), Hiki (Mik)
Age | 21 Gender | Male
Height | 5'4" Relatives | Iwashi Monten (Father), Yuna Monten (Mother)
Birthday | 18/08/2000 Nationality | Japanese
Alignment | Lawful Good Couple Theme | Run Run Run


  • His Río
  • Nicknames from Río
  • Cleanliness & Cooking
  • Feeling in control of his life


  • Being looked down on
  • When Río isn't there
  • Not achieving enough
  • Needing help of any sort


  • Works as a psychiatrist (ironically)
  • Hair colour changes each season (Summer=pink / Winter=blonde)
  • Daddy issues :/
  • Finds it easy to read people



Write whatever you want about the character here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque velit nisi, venenatis a est interdum, consectetur malesuada magna. Integer laoreet sagittis dui sed tincidunt. Mauris id purus ligula. Ut sit amet lorem gravida, tristique lectus nec, varius mi. Praesent sit amet sem eu lacus finibus posuere sed a nisi. Morbi eleifend fermentum vulputate. Integer eget nulla rhoncus, congue neque quis, finibus massa. Aliquam ut mollis metus.

Nulla eu blandit nisl. Quisque nec nulla eu lorem aliquet commodo. Vestibulum maximus laoreet lacus a sollicitudin. Nam vitae libero tempor, aliquet libero congue, tincidunt libero. Etiam elit neque, vehicula et interdum vitae, sodales et libero. Aliquam pulvinar vulputate sapien, id lacinia orci cursus eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel quam at ante blandit lacinia. Pellentesque eget arcu lacus. Quisque sit amet mi dui. Vestibulum vel nulla ut nisl pharetra scelerisque. Maecenas diam purus, ornare a volutpat non, efficitur vitae neque. Nunc faucibus purus a ante pretium lacinia. Phasellus quis rutrum tellus, in efficitur velit.

Vestibulum pulvinar ullamcorper mi, vitae varius magna sollicitudin eu. Integer lacinia non risus eget eleifend. Duis cursus tortor sit amet tortor malesuada, at mattis quam viverra. Ut vestibulum nulla erat, at porta ex vestibulum a. Ut vitae nisi egestas odio semper consectetur. In in finibus leo. Ut at aliquam elit. Proin venenatis pretium faucibus.


Río Becia

[ Husband / Soulmate ]

Hiko's world revolves around Río, and he couldn't imagine life without him. Constantly enamoured and secretly adoring, Hiko is gradually learning to drop his abrasive front and show his softer, more gentle side to Río. The pair have learnt so much from being around each other already, and only continue to better themselves as they grow up; Hiko is certain he will never meet a more patient human in his life. Río is even willing to slowly work through the multitude of mental issues that Hiko sustained as a child, being the only person he would be vulnerable with - this is mirrored by Hiko's constant reassurance that Río is safe and that his home won't be suddenly taken from him. They balance each other out, and their sassy, unpredictable banter belies the deep love and true acceptance of their relationship.


[ Closest Friend ]

Ironically, Hiko's closest friend is nothing like his laid-back husband. He can't quite remember how they met, but he found himself drawn to his darkness - he wanted to see for himself what he was never meant to understand. Although there is still much to learn about Horoshi Tatari's origins, he, Río and Yosh are grateful for his presence in their lives. Hiko seems to find that with most people, there is a barrier he cannot push through - or will not push through - to fully open up. With Horoshi, something tells him that his fucked-up mindset will not phase him. The man has seen far darker than his own twisted mind. And he feels comforted by that. They also seem to share quite similar ideals (which may be a little concerning...)

Zeus Caras

[ Enemy ]

The rich kid that made Río's life a living hell. He's thiiiiiiiiiis close to finally snapping and really digging into Zeus' sordid past, revealing every mistake he ever made to his adoring public and letting his reputation destroy itself. He gets irrationally angry when Zeus makes goo-goo eyes at him and loathes the way that he still treats Río; the only thing holding him back are his husband's own wishes to keep the peace.
