Vhenas Orania



3 years, 8 months ago


Your name is VHENAS ORANIA. 

God DAMN do you love WITCHCRAFT.

You are considered to be a HIGH PRIESTESS of a SELECT GROUP OF MAJYYKS USERS. Your practice has been CAREFULLY CULTIVATED over the sweeps.

Something also about how you dress in the style of ANCIENT ALTERNIAN ROYALTY, blah blah Ancient Greece allusions here.

You are a SEADWELLER. Your MYSTIQUE AND BEAUTY often draw curious LANDWELLING TROLLS to your SEASIDE OASIS. Or perhaps it is the rumors of DANGER AND FREQUENT DISAPPEARANCES that drawn adventurous trolls to the volatile coast. Your GODDESS will only be satisfied by the HIGHEST RITUAL SACRIFICE, involving the BLOOD OF YOUNG TROLLS. This clearly has nothing to do in correlation with all of the MISSING TRAVELLERS. 

You also fancy yourself to be quite the RELATIONSHIP GURU. You have never faulted in the face of a tricky romantic situation, you know the inner workings of the HEART better than anyone.

Your trolltag is amorousTemptations and )ooo( Your speech precedes itself with your sign and also follows )ooo(

Vhenus Orania - Violet - Andromeda symbol - Witch of Heart - amorousTemptations
Land of Crystals And Seashells - Staffkind - iTS A BROOM -literal witches w/ dianna