
 he tenido en mi mano las estrellas.  


optimistic . daring . dishonest . disorganised

Born as Anita Sabri Qayyoma Vaylez, they have a tendency to go by several code names: Lucifer, Dante Hasíelo, Donny—though they prefer to go by the alias 'Anteo' if possible. Although their primary functions are to collect information and carry out assassinations, Anteo is a skilled pyromaniac with an excitable and passionate demeanor to match. They love chasing life's thrills, whether it be classified documents, liquor, or an attractive woman/man, Vaylez is definitely not for the weak of heart. Their desire for adventure makes Anteo a unique youthful character, but their impulsive and libertine nature often lands the assassin into boiling water and ultimately, at the cost of their revolutionary goals. Vaylez's patience is notorious for running thin and has developed a habit of lying and manipulating people. They love to champion themselves as a progressive thinker but can't help but to carry a complete disregard for others' opinions unless it compliments their own.

Standing at 5'6"/168 cm, their figure closely resembles what we would consider "pear shaped". Anteo has 3c-4a dark brown hair, coming close to a near black shade when not sitting in direct sunlight. They like to have braids whenever they can afford it and occasionally straightens their hair (though they are reluctant to use relaxers on their hair as they've seen the damage of such products). Vaylez's skintone is a very light brown, blanketed in freckles that is most noticeable on their visage especially the cheek areas. They also have a plump cupid's bow and dark amber irises with doll like round eyes to flatter their looks. When it comes to their sense of style, Anteo likes to sport clothing typical of a working class factory worker in the 1920s. A former semi-professional athlete in college, their wardrobe also consists of sporting trousers and an abundance of sweaters, neckties, jackets and caps. Anteo does have a couple of fashionable dresses in their arsenal but they're collecting dust most of the time. In a modern universe, they have a knack for oversized t shirts and overall sporty clothing.


  • Literature
  • Vehicles
  • Baseball


  • Low Quality Liquor
  • Cowardice
  • Prudes


Write something about your character here, trivia, personality traits, skills. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit. Sed vitae lorem mi, sed pulvinar.

  • Mauris id lacus id augue finibus fringilla. Quisque pharetra tristique tellus, sed vitae.
  • Vestibulum pharetra ligula a ex maximus convallis. Sed et ex odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum maximus.


Write about your character here. This box will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit. Sed vitae lorem mi. Sed pulvinar euismod nibh, a placerat ante venenatis egestas. Aliquam at ullamcorper arcu. Suspendisse efficitur fringilla nulla, eu malesuada tortor mattis eget. In auctor lorem a diam congue sagittis. Nulla ac blandit urna.


Cras molestie porttitor sollicitudin. Pellentesque ac turpis accumsan, efficitur erat et, mollis massa. Etiam sit amet vehicula neque. Suspendisse non sodales purus. Phasellus luctus lacinia est sed pellentesque. Suspendisse et molestie mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam sed velit id quam efficitur condimentum quis eget quam. Nullam tincidunt semper eros, eu imperdiet nulla. Quisque consectetur metus nibh, non sodales ipsum rhoncus at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit. Sed vitae lorem mi. Sed pulvinar euismod nibh, a placerat ante venenatis egestas.


ANGELO [ Older Brother ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh.

RAMÓN [ Older Brother ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh.

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