Hashihime ( Berserker )



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Hashihime/O-Ruri
AKA: O-Ruri, Lady of the Bridge, Hashihime of Uji.
Gender: Female
Class: Berserker
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Neutral Evil

see attached art

At first she might come across as level headed though albeit abrasive. This is infact how she is most of the time. But boiling beneath it all is a deep seeded jealousy that will never go away.

Hashihime is a yokai, and possible goddess, who inhabits old bridges. They are inheterly jealous beings as well. If someone says something positive on a Hashihimes bridge about another bridge, it is said bad things will happen to that person. Even still, Hashihime are held in high regard by people who live near their bridges. Often praying to them to ask for protection when there is a war, or for help with breaks up and sevaring bad luck in times of peace. Due to the Hashihimes ability to seaver and cause bad luck, newlyweds are to avoid passing a Hashihime shrine and if they must cross a Hashihimes bridge they will go under it on a boat.

The most well known legend of the Hashihime goes as such: There was a woman filled with so much rage and jealousy as her ex husband who had thrown her away from a new lover. Each night at the ox hour she would pray to the gods enshrined at Kifune-jinja in Kyoto asking for them to give her the power to turn into a fearsome and powerful demon. Even if it were to cost her her own life she wanted to destroy her ex husband. After a week of praying the gods finally answered her prayers and told her to ‘immersed herself in the Uji river for twenty-one nights and then she will become a demon’

Each night for twenty-one nights she did as she was told. Dressed in a white robe and her hair tied in five horns she painted her face and body in crimson dye. She placed a trivet on her head with touches attached as well as torches lit from both ends in her mouth. As she immersed herself into the river she held the hatred in her heart. On the final night she turned into a powerful Kijo.

The same night her husband awoke from a terrible dream that was a permission of danger. He went to Abe-no-Seimei, a famous onmyoji and told him of the dream, Semiei was able to tell it was about the man's ex wife who was coming to destroy him and his new lover that same night. Seimei then promised to protect the two. Seimei went to their house and recited magical prayers and had two katashiro representing the man and his new wife. As Seimei had predicted the demon came. She attacked the katashiro instead of the real couple and Seimei magic worked and her own power was reflected back at her. Realizing she could not overcome Abe-no-Seimei and his magic retreated threatening that she would one day return.

She became the Hashihime of Uji.

Now a servant that same bitter jealousy remains, and has manifested as a type of mad enhancement.


Bond 1:
163 cm/ 53 kg
Source: Japanese Folklore/ Tsurugi no Maki, in The Tale of the Heike
Region: Japan
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Female

Bond 2:
Bond 3:
Bond 4:
Bond 5:
Extra clear
Bond 10 ce:

Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: C
Mana: A
Luck:  E
Noble Phantasm: A

Noble phantasm: twenty-one nights in Uji ( arts )
Deal damage to all enemies
Over change: Reduces all male enemies debuff resistance 3 turn.

Passive skills:
Divinity E: Increases own damage by 100.
Mad Enhancement EX: Increases own Buster performance by 12%.

Active skills:
seven nights of prayer: Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns
Increase np gauge when attacking male enemies with normal attacks
resentment:increase own defense against male enemies 3
Increases own damage against Human enemies for 3 turns.


Demonic, Divine, Earth or Sky. Humanoid, oni, Weak to Enuma Elish

other facts

information source