25$'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Peachy-Ghost Global Rules

Hey! If you own one of my designs I ask a few things of you!


What you can do:

-Trade, sell, or giveaway said design

-Use them in comics (anything commercial is ok too! Just let me know first please! I’d love to follow the project as well <3)

Please/Absolutely do not do:

-Use them in racist, homophobic, ped0phili@, and the like ways. I understand that backstories and/or stories may involve themes like this. I am ok with that as long as you mark appropriately and follow TH rules. Do not use my designs to spread needless hate and use them in fetishized ways that are against the law. Beastars is a great example of what I allow. If you need any clarification or have questions feel free to PM me.

-Claim the designs as your own or leaving out credit in commercial stuff (you don’t need to credit everytime you use them. If you’re using them in a comic or something of the like please credit me for the design somewhere! Description, credits, anywhere where stuff like that goes :)  )


Things I’m iffy on or am ok with under certain criteria:

-Please do your best not to resell if you didn’t buy them. Be fair in your trading/selling. If you got a character for free or a trade and added no art do not sell them. However, I will allow offers NO MORE than $10 above worth IF SOMEONE OFFERS THAT AMOUNT. Do not ask people to raise their offer because you can get some extra cash. If I find this rule is being misused I will remove it. (if traded this means that no one can add more then $10 to their offer, if trading though I’m not gonna care if you trade a character worth $2 for a $200 one. That’s up to you :)

Adding onto this, I know things can get tough. Especially in this uncertain time making ends meet can be hard. If you need to keep food on your table you may sell them for however much someone will buy them for. Please be truthful about this. Id appreciate you messaging me before hand (if you do I’ll try to help you sell them too!). I’m not gonna hound you if you need extra help. Please keep yourself safe and healthy before worrying about if you can sell a design I made <3


A Notice on fanart/fandom designs:

I, Peachy-Ghost/PeachiGhost, am absolutely in no way affiliated with any trademarked material/characters I make designs or art inspired or based on. These are purely for fun, I in no way claim the copyright of said material. At the request of an owner if not done so already, I am more than happy to make a very quick and small version of a fandom character I’ve made that does not infringe on copyright. Any payment is only and purely for the time spent drawing and for any non copyrighted designs based on the previous design I had created. These designs are not to be marketed unless changed to be non-fandom copyrighted characters. Thank you for understanding.

If there’s anything you’d like clarified please just reach out to me! Here and Instagram are the best places to find me :)