Maud Caroline Anastasia I



7 years, 7 months ago


I got her in a design trade with CasperCola. I have since revised her a bit <3

Name: Maud Caroline Anastasia I Title: Our Highness Caroline Anastasia I of Deerlirium Other Names: Queen Sparkly Ass (A mocking named used by her subjects in private. She knows about it and will kill anyone who calls her that to her face), Maud (It is only acceptable for her wife to call her that. She hates her first name. She will kill anyone else that calls her Maud.) Sex: Female Gender: Female Age: 300 (compared to a human's mental age, 30) Species: Alien Space Deer Sexuality: Homosexual Religion: I AM YOUR GOD NOW. Abilities: Frost breath, teleportation, telekinesis (She totally Darth Vader force chokes people) Notes:

Her antlers and hooves are made of diamond. They are very sparkly. All of the cyan sparkly patters on her butt and stuff change except the planet and the planet's moon and the planet's moon's moon. Her jewelry is platinum and diamond, and are the signs of the ruler of the empire.