


3 years, 9 months ago


Full Name: Arthur Yolrat

Age: 18

Occupation: None

Gender: Male

Abilities: None

Nickname: Junior


Personality: A student of life, still learning.

Height: 5'4

Weight: 122lbs

Birthday: July 17th


Likes: Playing the guitar, skateboarding,

Dislikes: Rain, geometry,


For a lot of teenagers, life can seem like a big object of repetitive motion. And as such can make said students, well... really bored. And that was the same situation for a good while for our boy, Arthur Yolrat. Well... Yolrat Jr. No, the Junior isn't actually part of his name, but rather a nickname given to him by his uncle of the same name to separate the two, considering they now share a home ever since Junior's mom went to jail for drug abuse, and turned to the custody of his bartender uncle.

Junior doesn't really have any big abilities going for him. No, Junior is simply a regular boy who got caught up in some weird situations that lead him to going to a mysterious town known as January Lake. He's spent most of his time occupying himself with a new hobby he picked up; music, his main instrument being the guitar he often carries on his back. It's actually managed to break his constant cycle of boredom.

Junior may have the guitar part down when it comes to music, but not so much in the singing department. Despite being 18, his voice still cracks constantly, and his face hasn't gotten any cleaner since we last saw him. But hey, if you do end up liking his music, he can usually be found performing at the Coup de Grace, his uncle's bar. Just... don't expect being friends with him to get you any free shots.