$20 - Delun



3 years, 10 months ago


Revamping my beloved Qilin!

Delun  hails from Ancient China, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period  to be exact. Back in those days he was a peaceful spirit, the very  model of what a Qilin should be. Protecting the innocent and punishing  the wicked. Something through out the course of time began to alter his  mindset, perhaps the humans greed and sin, and he believed they all  should be punished to learn their lesson. That they take too easily,  harm too readily, and betray even flesh and blood to gain better status  in life. His intentions where masked by his disguise. To the humans he  went under various different names through out the ages. He guarded  emperors he deemed worthy and punished those he didn't. This human guise  he concocted had no connection to his qilin self, at least the humans  couldn't find one or realize that they were one in the same. This all  changed however when he rebelled against a corrupted emperor and was  sealed in his true form in attempt to exorcise Delun. The exorcism did  not work leaving him branded as a traitor to those of the mystical  realm.

Effects of the Failed Exorcism: Nothing satisfies him more than watching villages burn or people get stuck by lightening. Delun  has gained a cynical outlook on other people, almost sardonic in nature. He  yet fails to see at times how selfish and driven by his own ambition he  can be. When pointed out he tends to ignore it but silently corrects the  issue, until it rears its ugly head again. He still punishes the wicked yet goes beyond what is necessary.