
7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Gaius Sucrose




extremely powerful thembo. made and ate candy corn pizza unironically. wears snapbacks and baggy sweatpants and crop tops with really dumb sayings on them. skate or die

Gaius is from a fairly well-off family of candymakers and bakers! They, once they became an adult, decided to set off from home and take a hitchhkining trip to figure out where they wanted to go in life. Somewhere down the line they ended up moving in with Grayson Fable.

They used money they'd obtained from their parents to help get themselves and Grayson started in a comfortable living environment, and then they begun to work at a shop that sells skateboards, rollerskates, and the like. Their upbringing was somewhat sheltered, leading them to be somewhat naive and ignorant. But they take challenges and strange situations with a smile, even when they end up injured or ripped-off.