



Debris, past sorrow, and a devastated world. The remnants of a once superior civilization that polluted its own planet, leaving it as an unusable skeleton. The once vibrant spaces, buildings, and areas had turned into decaying ruins. No one was left on this lonely world to exploit or enjoy it. No one except Mono, an equally lonely male otter with gray-white fur. A remnant of a human experiment that only began to think and understand after humans had left the Earth decades ago. And despite living in an almost post-apocalyptic world, he embodies the last cheerful and intelligent personality that eagerly seeks to behold the beauty of nature.

Mono learned early on to lead a fulfilled and content life alone in the bleak environment. This was his only path, as the experiments conducted on him granted him an exceptionally long lifespan and the ability to regenerate supernaturally quickly. He had more than enough time to learn a great deal and was self-reliant. Yet, Mono doesn't only find this time alone stimulating, but also comforting. Early on, he learned to utilize the world around him, building his own small abode from the ruins and remnants of the old civilization. It became a little farm where he tends to his animals and plants. It's a place full of life and harmony, where he can fully utilize his self-sufficiency skills.

The small, joyful otter relishes in exploring the ruins of bygone times during his free time, searching for all sorts of objects that he can repurpose in his own creative way. Collecting various items holds a special place in his heart, and he has amassed a large collection of things and toys that bring him joy.

Just like his zest for life, optimism and happiness are inseparable traits of Mono. Despite the desolate world, he greets each day with a radiant smile and always sees the good in every situation. Even when plagued by moments of sorrow or grief, it doesn't take long for him to bounce back, finding a silver lining even in the most challenging moments.

However, Mono's greatest passion is cheese. He's utterly enamored with its taste and the various types he read about in the ancient and abandoned writings and books of humanity. In his small cottage, he has carefully arranged a vast collection of old cookbooks and baking books. He loves flipping through the almost fragile pages, examining the images of the old world with wide, enthusiastic eyes. And even though he has managed to decipher and read the script and language of the past civilization, he can't interpret or understand all the words. Nonetheless, Mono continuously attempts new culinary creations and eagerly explores new ways to create something unique.