Navora A



3 years, 10 months ago



Navora Aecori

"Calm minds prevail in the worst of storms."

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  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Queen Navora
    • Relationship Status Married
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Queen of the Torrential Nation
    • Religion Arythmist/Arythmic
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age Twenty Eight
    • Species Elemental


    Navora is a Water Elemental with light blue eyes and long black hair, which falls to her waist. Two braids hang down from the front and sitting upon her head is a fancy, purple-blue and white crown with a large sapphire on the centre. A matching gemstone hangs around her neck on a gold chain. Her outfit is a black and blue dress with four off-the-shoulder straps. At the bottom, there are splits on either side, allowing her legs full movement. Her heels are black with three straps that start at the back and connect at the front.


    • BUILD Slender yet regal

    • FOOD Fresh crab & shrimp dishes
    • COLOUR Oceanic blue
    • ANIMAL Dolphins
    • SETTING Serene coastal locations
    • WEATHER Sunny with a gentle sea breeze
    • DRINK Exotic fruit-infused herbal teas
    • NUMBER Seven
    • GENRE Historical fiction
    • ACTIVITY Hosting cultural festivals and events
    • TIME OF DAY Late afternoon


    • Peace & Unity
    • Nature and Scenic Beauty
    • Music and Arts


    • Environmental Destruction
    • Shortsightedness
    • Dishonesty


    • Listens to music
    • Travelling
    • Gardening

    Navora is the leader of the Torrential Nation, known for her compassionate and determined nature. She is committed to maintaining peace and harmony among her people. This environmentally conscious individual is always worrying about the well-being of her nation's natural beauty, but is overly idealistic and often doubts herself and her abilities. She is also too trusting of others, which can be exploited by others. Navora fears the potential downfall of her monarchy and the degradation of her beloved environment but often meditates to keep her stress down. She is also a very patient individual, focused on keeping her nation happy.


    • Patient
    • Enviornment Conscious
    • Commited to Peace


    • Self-doubt
    • Too Trusting
    • Overly Idealistic


    Navora envisions a world where her monarchy stands as a beacon of environmental consciousness and inclusivity, fostering a sense of unity among her people and inspiring other nations to follow suit. She aspires to protect her kingdom from environmental degradation and ensure that the values of peace and nature preservation remain strong in her people's hearts.


    • The downfall of her monarchy
    • Environmental Degradation


    • Morning Meditation
    • Record Keeping


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Elegant and articulate
    • COMMON STARTER "Welcome, dear friends. I trust your day has been productive thus far."
    • SWEARS? N/A
    • QUIRKS Tends to use formal titles and honorifics when addressing others, even in casual conversation.
  • Species

    [ Elemental ] An Elemental is a person born with the ability to control the elements, whether that is water, or fire, air, or even life. It is common for an Elemental to be able to control merely one element, however, sometimes they can control two. This is a very rare occurrence and there is only two possible ways for this to happen. They could be born with a second element, but this is extremely unique and comes with drawbacks. When this happens, the child often gets ill at a very young age, and some have even died because of it. The only other way for an Elemental to gain power over more than one is if they train themselves to master another, however, this is really hard to do and most can’t handle the pressure it brings. To be able to control an element, they have to be one with it, making it difficult to be one with two elements at once. They would have to somehow balance out the two so that they work together as well.


    [ Water Elemental ] A Water Elemental is a subspecies of Elemental. They are one of the four main types that make up Calizen’s population and are usually found in the Torrential Nation. These people are often seen as calm and very relaxed, yet also a little careless which resulted in the pollution of their water and land. They possess various different water related abilities, unique to each Elemental.


    As a Water Elemental, Navora has abilities related to moisture. She is able to use Hydrokinesis, essentially manipulating water. This is how she is able to use water and shape it into various forms, like barriers, projectiles and defensive shields. She is also able to use water to heal injuries and ailments. By channelling her water manipulation abilities, she can accelerate the natural healing processes of herself and others, aiding in recovery from wounds or illnesses. On top of this, she has control over tides and ocean currents. While she cannot create massive tsunamis, she can subtly influence the movement of water in coastal areas, potentially averting disasters. Her abilities rely solely on the world around her, however, so without any nearby water, she cannot use her powers as efficiently. As the ruler of the Torrential Nation, Navora is a strategic planner, skilled in long-term planning and vision, setting goals and objectives for her nation's development and prosperity. She is also fluent in multiple languages, which helps when communicating with other nations and foreigners.

  • History

    Navora was born in Atlalin City and is the oldest child in her royal family. She grew up in a castle with her happily married parents and two younger sisters. As the eldest child, she felt responsible for taking care of her siblings while her parents tended to their royal duties. When she came of age, however, it was her turn to learn the ropes and be the great leader her parents knew she would be. As the last remaining monarchy, life is not always easy for Navora. There are many people who wish for the monarchy to be converted to a more modern political system. One adversary with such a goal is Ajax, a Terra Elemental who is constantly challenging Navora to duels, even if he loses every time. Nowadays, Navora continues to rule her land the only way she knows how, continuing to better her nation with each passing day.

    Birthplace/Current Residence

    Navora was born in Atlalin City. Atlalin City is located on New Kinetica in The Western Territory and is one of Calizen’s major cities. This place is run by water Elementals and is a popular tourist destination due to its unique design and technology. The whole city is actually encased in one large hologram, where, as soon as people pass through, into the cities borders, all of the surrounding area appears like they’re underwater. Fish can be seen swimming about outside of this place, and even within the city itself, which makes Atlalin City a truly remarkable place, where people are able to experience and learn about aquatic life, without even going into the water. Navora lived here with her two younger siblings and happily married parents. Born into a royal family, she stayed in the castle with her family, learning how to rule as well as they did.

  • Ancestry

    • Navora comes from a noble lineage, tracing back to the very first monarchs of The Torrential Nation. They have ruled as a hereditary monarchy for generations
    • Many of Navora's royal ancestors were skilled diplomats, known for their ability to negotiate peace treaties and establish strong alliances with neighbouring nations. Their diplomacy helped maintain stability in the region
    • The royal family possesses a collection of precious jewels and artifacts that have been passed down through generations. These items have both historical significance and great monetary value


    • In politics, there are many things Navora must keep from her nation in order to prevent panic and maintain her respect
    • Navora secretly harbours doubts about the long-term sustainability of her monarchy. She fears that the traditional monarchy system may become obsolete, and she contemplates the possibility of transitioning to a more modern political structure


    • The eyes of an Elemental reflect their health, as they represent not just their element, but also their soul and wellbeing. If they are sick, their eyes become dull and if they die, they turn completely grey or white
    • Navora is the leader of the Torrential Nation. Her monarchy is named ‘The Freeflow Monarchy’
    • Ajax, a Terra Elemental, is constantly challenging Navora and plotting ways to end the monarchy and turn it into a similar system to all the others