Violetshade's Comments

Hello there Pollen! <3

I hope it's alright for me to make an offer here! But I'm obsessed with this design and I just needed to tryout at some point <3

I can offer you 2 fullbodies of any feline or canine character! And, as a little bonus, I can offer you my measly 41 DA points as a little cherry on top x3 

Examples of my art can be found Here!

Of course it’s alright! I would love to accept your offer ^^ For the fullbodies, could you draw and ? For personalities, Dunestar is a big grump with Napoleon complex (short and angry bout it) and Pollen is more peaceful and graceful. Gosh I can’t wait to see them your style xD 

Ahh thank you so much omg!! I’ll get started on those right away, and I’ll gift you those points as soon as I get back to my laptop <3

ahh those characters are so pretty, I’m excited to start!! I should be finished within a day or two! I’ll keep you updated if it takes any longer <3