The Bound



7 years, 4 months ago


The Bound- Created by Specnus powered by Ambion. Specnus never breathed life into the bound, but left them for Ambion so that one day it could take control. The Bound were made at the two massive sizes 8' tall and 12' tall. The Bound are thick humanoid golems entirely made of stone. The 12' Bound have pegs for feet and thick five finger hands. Their heads are just a dome on the shoulders. The 8' Bound were made to look like knights in armor with either a huge claymore or a long sword and kite-shield. All of the Bound have the same groove-like etching throughout their body as Ambion's chamber. Although inactive each Bound is still connected to a feed which would allow Ambion to flow into and control the Bound. Once connected Ambion has full remote control. The Bound have only been called upon once to protect the city, and now stand in place waiting with the patients of eternity to be called upon again. Even though the Bound stand guard in plain site throughout the city the citizens seemed to have forgotten about the Bound and only see overzealous statues. Ambion however has not forgotten. When the day comes the Bound shall rise again from the earth breaking from their ancient watch to lead the guard in the breaking of defilers who dare to threaten the last free city of Last Light.