


3 years, 8 months ago



Color of Aspen, impassive as root

Gender: Dfab Trans Male
    ( He / Him )
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
Age: 30 moons (2.5 years)
Clan: StoneClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Timberstar
Apprentice: none

Physical Description:
Aspenroot is a classic chocolate torbie tom with heavy white spotting, like creamy paint dropped on fallen leaves. He has heterochromia, resulting in one blue and one amber eye as well as a naturally bobbed tail. His ears are rather large and fit his bulky plush build. Under that pillow of fur are strong muscles built up from climbing StoneClan's many hills, his paws worn rough by the rock. He seems to squint often, possibly due to a sensitivity to light. 


Restraint and caution are not signs of weakness according to Aspenroot. He is a meditative individual who observes a situation before jumping in, maintaining a sense of dignity and peace about his actions. He may have moments of compassion, reaching out to others and acting as a shoulder to cry on. While at the same time he could appear distant, even cold, shrugging off other's problems to focus on his own goals. He is calculating, but not unkind. He is patient, but easy to hold a grudge. Because of this push and pull, it can be difficult for him to maintain close bonds. When he chooses to open up to another it is a deliberate move and a great show of trust. To break his trust forfeits future friendship, for he is protective of his vulnerabilities, unforgiving if one is to take advantage of his weaknesses.





Mallowtail and Oakfoot were an older warrior couple who, for many seasons, struggled to start a family together. Something was biologically affecting Mallowtail's fertility, making it difficult to get pregnant. After a failed pregnancy resulting in a stillborn, the couple tried again, hopeful to bear even a single kit. In the coming fall, Aspenkit was born. In a stroke of luck, he survived, despite complications, and the happy couple finally had their dream family. Despite being the only kit, Aspenkit rarely felt lonely. Both of his parents were loving and attentive and he experienced a comfortable childhood.

StoneClan cats were expected to be strong as well as strong of heart, and the same was true of Aspenpaw when he turned 6 moons. He was filled with anticipation, ready to serve his clan. He hadn't known hardship and was a bit naive, so when he was assigned Timberstar, the leader, as his mentor, he took it as a great honor and proof that he was meant to be great! However, Timberstar was no pushover and her training was rigorous. She wasn't cruel, but she taught Aspenpaw what working hard for one's sense of worth and purpose really meant. He no longer felt entitled, and instead grew into a thoughtful caretaker and strategist. At first he was stubborn, self-centered even, but under Timberstar's guidance he matched her pragmatic world-view. He couldn't truly reach her levels of reckless selflessness, but he did adopt a compassionate and shrewd persona.
During this time his mother's health worsened, forcing Mallowtail to retire early to the elder's den. The medicine cat couldn't do anything for her and so she was encouraged to rest and live out the last of her days in peace. He visited her daily, her warmth ever present even as her limbs thinned and her fur greyed. The spring before he was named warrior, she passed away. Aspenpaw was broken-hearted, but hide his anger and despair to support his grieving father. Oakfoot was a gentle tom, but after the loss of his mate he grew bitter, even pushing Aspenpaw away in his grief. For a while, Aspenpaw felt truly alone, relying on his mentor's teachings to bring meaning to his life. He worked hard to become a warrior his mother would be proud of, hopeful that she truly was watching from StarClan.

With a stubborn hold on self improvement, Aspenroot soon graduated into a warrior. Despite being so young, he earned respect from those that worked closely with him, his own reverence and sense of regard for others winning him many friends. However, Aspenroot struggled with his motivations. He wished to serve StoneClan, but didn't quite know how. He did his duties, was kind to his clanmates, but still was searching for a higher purpose. He wants to live this life to the fullest and make something of himself. He wants to find others that understand what he's searching for! Until then he is living quietly, ever watchful for opportunity.