Prince Selkie



3 years, 9 months ago


Selkie is a Ice/SeaWing hybrid born as one of the first princes in dragon history, only a decade after the Scorching. A time when the tribes were only just figuring out society and the lines between the different dragon species were more blurred. It’s believed Selkie is the reason that there’s the unspoken rule that royalty can’t be from two tribes. 

- Quote from a scroll, “Scorching Aftermath, A History.”

Prince Diamond (the first) and Princess Seafoam met at a party after an ambassador’s meeting and found some chemistry between each other. The SeaWings’ territory was still being discussed upon the queens and kings (since why wouldn’t there be kings are one point), so there wasn’t an official SeaWing palace, so Seafoam was able to stop by to see Diamond every now and then. Eventually they had an egg, which was of course going to be Primce Selkie.

Shortly after, tragedy struck the IceWing Kingdom. Their King had mysterious disappeared, and a few days later was found dead, awfully close to where the temporary palace of the SeaWings was. Skirmishes started to break out between the tribes. IceWings argued that it was obviously the SeaWings and they’d only try to get on good terms only to stab them in the back and twist the blade. SeaWings fought back saying it could of been deceit, someone from the other tribes framing it on SeaWings, and that the royalty had alibis against it. 

And caught in it all was the newly born Selkie. Which tribe was he royalty to? If either of his parents died when he was older, since they both had no siblings, would he still be a prince? Selkie grew up with this questions basically breathing down his neck. He lived with King Diamond for most of his life, since it was discovered that he couldn’t breath underwater for that long in an almost trip to the new SeaWing Palace (which was closer to the territory they reside in now). He wasn’t completely immune to the cold arctic air, but just enough to be able to live in it, added a coat of polar bear fur. 

When Selkie turned 18, he and his parents attended a gathering in the brand new SkyWing Palace. It was a jovial night, until a fire was lit a bit too close to a cluster of dragonflame cactus, which was only consider a decoration and not a weapon as no official incidents involving it had been recorded quite yet. 

There was a huge fire, infamously known as the Dragonflame Cactus Party. A quarter of the castle was badly damaged. While some SkyWings and most SandWings can withstand a bit of such a blast, it still killed many of the partygoers, most who weren’t of the two most fire resistant tribes. Seafoam was killed, and once again, more then ever were the SeaWings in a more unstable leadership position. So it was there, right there and then at the ruins of the party, over his mother’s scorched corpse, when Selkie had to step up. He declared he would be the new SeaWing king. There was some objection at first, but eventually mostly everyone stuck with the idea. 

Mostly everyone excluding the IceWings. Especially King Diamond,

So that was it. 

When King Diamond passed, there would be no sons or daughters to replace him. King Diamond didn’t really show it, but he was angry. Furious. The son he’s grown with and supported for most of his life wasn't willing to be his successor. A part of him knew Selkie was doing it as he felt bad for not being with his mother for most of his life, but refused to believe he was the one in the wrong. He had a dragonet with some random second circle IceWing, not just to spite his first son, but to continue the IceWing Royalty. He tried to connect with his second son, Squall, but they just didn’t have the same bond Diamond and Selkie had. 

Meanwhile Selkie was having his own issues. How could he rule a kingdom that’s palace was underwater when he couldn’t even survive in it for an hour? His solution was another palace, of a smaller scale (to not overtop the actual palace) on a island in the Bay Of A Thousand Scales, named the Island Palace, which was of course, turned into a party pavilion years later after Selkie’s death. Selkie’s mostly introverted personality did not bode well as the King of an entire tribe. He hired an ambassador for himself to communicate messages better, especially considering said messenger was fluent in swimming for longer than a hour.

// More Info on the Way //