


3 years, 8 months ago


Seawing + Soleiwing hybrid

“through a mutated pyrokinetic gene, has powerful Hydrokinesis, the ability to manipulate water. They are unable to produce fire from their vents, so they instead fill them with water that they occasionally manipulate to come out”

^ worded by mop!!

Name- Zuli (short for Lazuli,, lapis,, because it symbolizes royalty, honor, gods, and power, along with wisdom and truth, which ties into his lore)

gender- Male

sexuality- Bisexual

job- Assassin/work(ed) for cala, later became a rouge and wanted (not in a good way,,) dragon


Zuli was one of the few dragons to be sculpted and raised by cala and those in her staff. He was created to be an elite sculptor, but was part of an experiment to see if sculptors raised from dragonets would be most loyal to Calanthe. He was fed biases, told of his duty, and trained to exhaustion day after day. He always carried out his orders, but often hesitated when it came to having to destroy the fates of unnaturals and other sculptors. This hesitancy and empathy towards others caused him to be put under constant, strict surveillance, and even more grueling training. He eventually learned to mask this hesitancy, but would always do his best to be more merciful when carrying missions on his own. Despite all this, he always remained complaining and utterly loyal to Calanthe and the other elites, not knowing any better. However, when out on a mission, one of the elites had turned on him, having noticed his mercy toward the unnaturals. They damaged him to the point where they would be incapable of sculpting their fate, and to the point where they’d die from “blood” loss and their soul seeping out too fast to regenerate itself. Whilst he lay there helpless, he was spotted by a group of unnaturals (including opalite) and warily brought back to (grandma god) who healed him as best as she could at the moment, and nursed him back to health. The kindness the unnaturals had showed him was baffling, and deeply puzzled him, as he had never experienced that kind of warmth before. By the time he was healed, (grandma god) gave him the opportunity to return to the elites, however, he refused and shyly asked To remain with them and the unnaturals, not wanting to let go of the newfound warmth only to return to a suffocating and chilling cold. (Grandma dragon) kindly accepted his request, and allowed him tp stay, where he became close friends with some of the unnaturals. He’d tell stories of the elites and of the few times he’d encountered cala, and why he had eventually been turned on. He told important secrets to them, as him and a few others dreamed of overthrowing cala and making everything safe again, like in the stories of happy “true-fleshed” dragons that (grandma dragon) told them about. Zuli’s loyalty completely shifted to (grandma god) and the unnaturals, despite not being a true unnatural himself (as he was /created by cala/ as an /experiment/ with a few others, and was not caused by rouge sculptors). He’s often seen as a peacekeeper between some unnaturals, discouraging and attempting to stop fights and arguments.
They’re extremely wanted by the elites and cala, and are ordered to be killed on the spot or captured and brought to cala immediately if found due to their knowledge