Oxford Bovem



3 years, 9 months ago



Name Oxford Bovem / Jophiel Bovem
Birthday 3rd May
Age 2020+ years
Gender Male
Race Fallen Angel
Height 6'3" / 190.5cm
Alignment True Neutral
Theme Song link

The fallen angel Jophiel; not the one of legend but a different one, named after him. He had not intended to fall yet he did, left to wander earth with broken black wings, called a demon by those he used to endear. Now he's a renowned model amongst humans, famous for his kindness and interaction with fans. He has history with the Triangulum family, hating them immensely. At the moment he models for Matthew Simmons' company.


  • Modeling
  • Crowds
  • Sweets
  • Angels


  • Strawberries
  • Technology
  • Public Transport
  • Solitude



Jophiel; one of the prettiest angels had everything; until he was tricked and fell; far and long he fell down, wings splintering and bursting with black feathers, white ones gone forever, his prestine white hair getting the same treatment; his feathered ears bleeding as they lost every feather.
A painful experience, full of regret, anger and misery, blaming one man for the entire thing.

Lonely noble

Making money in the human world came easy when you were as charismatic as Oxford, he'd easily married himself into richess and due to his immortality after several generations people just assumed he was born into it; as such he presented himself a nobleman who was very secluded, having no staff and taking no wife ; yet his family always somehow had an heir. An easy con.
But also a very lonely con, Oxford missing talking to his fellow angels, but knew that was impossible now; he had fallen after all. So he tried to seek out companionship amongst humans, but the secluded-noble rumors meant few geniunely enjoyed conversations, most wishing for money or glimpses of his age-old riches.

A lonely life for a lonely man, and as such when he'd one day walked home and seen a fire blast barely graze him he'd been curious. Very curious. Humans cannot use blasts of fire. The source had been a young man, standing wide eyed in fear before he'd run off; Oxford easily using his own magic to catch up at inhuman speed. William Thompson, he'd introduced himself as, curious and excited to learn Oxford too was 'demonic' in his words, Oxford didn't think to correct the young man, charmed by his energy and innocence; after all here was a person not wanting his money, just a mentor. And a mentor he became, helping the young demon control his powers, and taught him knew ones like glamours Oxford himself used.

It was a simple time, and eventually Oxford developed into courting William, and the demon happily obligied, the two dating and getting along very well.
Oxford learned William was the son of a human and a demon, and that he'd rejected his family's wishes to have him train under his uncle, apparently he was more interested in his human side; enjoying humanity more than demons. Oxford of course agreed with him, stating he'd never let his uncle take him.
Until he broke the promise at seeing said uncle in person; Triangulum. The very demon Oxford hated more than anything. Unable to face him, or the betrayal on William's face, he simply turned away, his wings spreading out and flew away; ignoring the cries and yells from William.

Modeling in France

Now a famous model, known for both modeling masucline and feminine clothing; famous for his happy interactions with his fans, and frequent travel photos and selfies. He enjoys - no loves social media, the attention and adoration filling his heart and as such Oxford happily uses it.
Getting hired by a fashion company is nothing new, and he had happily accepted; he hadn't expected to see a familiar face there - William Thompson- no Triangulum, but figured the other demon didn't recognise him and as such didn't confront him.



William Triangulum [ Frenemy ]

Ex-boyfriends. Used to adore the curious and knowledge-hungry demon/human hybrid, teaching him eagerly; then he learned what demon family he's from and left in rage.


Louis Vuitton [ Boyfriends ]

Met when Oxford got hired at the company Louis works at, the two hit it off and eventually started dating. Oxford finds him adorably human.


Triangulum [ Enemy ]

Hates him, considers him worse than the worst.

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