Clancy's Comments

Hello! xBanditox would you consider offers on them? If so, what would you be looking for? If not, sorry for bugging you! Thanks for your time! ^^

Hey! I’m sorry but Clancy and debatably all my Soleis are nfs and not taking offers. If I do consider offers in the future is make a post or mace them out of my nfs folder^^ 

Omg I’m so sorry I didn’t realize they were in mains! Super sorry, that’s totally my bad /gen

All good man! No biggie! I don’t think he’ll be up anytime soon by any means but I’ll let you know if that ever comes around! 

Thanks so much!! 

Hello! I was wondering if it was okay for me to offer on this kiddo? (I’d be offering another morph solei.)

I just traded the solei, sorry for the trouble!