Felix Lee



3 years, 9 months ago


Age: 21

Height: 5'6

Personality: Felix is a very laid back and down to earth. He's patient with others, who aren't his overbearing mother. Can be a bit sarcastic sometimes, tries to joke with others and give people a good time. He can sometimes be a tad bit over confident, trying out new tricks in the kitchen, shooting his shot to guys he finds attractive.. and getting rejected by them.. Overall he's a chill guy and will step up for his friends with the occasional reckless dare. 


-Felix is the son of a successful lawyer, Rebecca. She is known to be beautiful, but very sharp and cold when she handles cases. His father was never in the picture as Rebecca only wanted to find a smart, handsome and successful doctor for her son's traits. At a young age, Felix had a lot of pressure built onto him from his mothers pressure to become well known and successful. Having to have perfect grades, the highest ranks, the best courses, and of course, attend the best schools for his blossoming career. Eventually when he became a young adult, and had his first job of being a cook at a fast food restaurant, he vocalized his thoughts and concerns to his mother, hoping that she would understand and get off of his back.. He didn't anticipate that it would give him the opposite results. Rebecca always held high expectations for Felix, to become a businessman, a doctor, a surgeon, even a lawyer too, but he was much interested in the art of cooking. Felix and his mother often butted heads with one another, both not listening to the other. He constantly told her about his plans to become a cook at a decent restaurant. His mother flew into rage, yelling and belittling his idea of becoming a small time chef.. After this argument, Felix decided he had enough and moved out of his mother's house, into his own apartment. They didn't speak to each other for awhile, but Rebecca couldn't be ignored and out of her son's life, so she came around to the idea that her son can become a famous renown chef with multiple restaurants in his name. To which Felix didn't care what she fantasized about, as long as she let him do what he wanted. 

-Always having to of followed strict rules, he now bends them to whatever he likes. He lives in his own in an apartment, and works at a decently known restaurant in his city, nothing high class, but a homey like restaurant with amazing coworkers he gets to work and joke with every day. 


-Felix still gets nagged by his mother sometimes, but he doesn't listen to her about his career choices, though he doesn't hate his mom, just finds her overwhelming and stuck up.

-He has multiple piercings on his body.