


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Scarlett (Scar)










personality;; Scarlett is the type of person you should be a little cautious of. always speak politely to her, even if she doesn't to you. why, you ask? because she knows more about you than you ever would have thought. she knows your past relationships, what you really said that night last year, and all the thing you said about your so called "friends." and she's known to spill tea. she'll spill your tea too. she's as insensitive as they come. her philosophy is, "you shouldn't have done it if you didn't want people to hear about it." even if she does talk shade, Scarlett is a decently pleasant to be around. she loves to tell jokes and to pull pranks on people. actually, she might not be the most pleasant person to be around. you never know when there might be a fake snake or spider slithering or crawling towards you. and you definitely don't know what she's thinking in that calculative head of hers. but through all of it, Scarlett is honest. that's the best quality about her. she'll always tell you the truth. no matter what.

likes;; anonymous confession social media pages, photography, classical music, vanilla cake, and cinnamon chai tea.

dislikes;; carbonated drinks, the smell of a mowed lawn, orange colors, modern TV shows, and cacti.

history;; there isn't all that much to say about her history. well, there was this one time long ago, when her ex-boyfriend had trusted her with a secret in the 7th grade. the secret was that he had cheated on her. with a guy. she ended up spilling the tea because he kept seeing the boy, even when she begged him not to, and he wouldn't let her leave the relationship. so she did the only logical thing. released images of them kissing. to the whole school. they ended up happy in the end, but her ex learned his lesson.