February Winterbee



7 years, 2 months ago


2/5/17. February Huston Daniel Winterbee. The only reason he has a full name is because his (foster) mother stole someone's birth certificate and used it to name him since she didn't know how "human" names worked. A mainly feral Concrete Prowler abandoned by his mother and taken in by a regular housecat. He doesn't speak Basic - instead he mostly meows. He knows some actual Feline, but most of the time, he communicates as cats do. He's a little shy and likes his ears pet. Rubs his face on things to scent mark them, but then pretends he didn't. Generally just a sweet lil kitty who likes cuddles and does a lot of very cat-like things (including hairballs, sadly). Brush him and he will be v happy. Sometimes licks fingers or cheeks. Will for sure lick fingers if they smell good. D-doesn't eat wet cat food at all....sweats nervously.... Loves to roll in catnip, rubbing it all in his hair and such. Does the little chatters at bugs on the walls or birds outside windows. Adores meat, his favorites being chicken, tuna, and corned beef. Jerky's good too. Basically, if it's meat, he'll eat it. Has a tendency to chew in a very cat like manner and has to be gently reminded how people are supposed to eat. Sniffs people when he meets them. Can sort of sense emotions like excitement, sadness, etc.

He comes across Melody thanks to the food she was putting out for strays. Never having seen a feral person before, she didn't know what to do. So, she just pulled him in her house. It ended up staying that way and he was pretty pleased with the situation. Since she had no way of understanding him, she started to learn telepathy, buying some charms for it in the meantime