


9 years, 2 months ago


His name is in ancient faun language so it's looking kind of weird for you. Fauns in Azteem are living in variety of places which affects their mane colour and characteristics. Clans or families have special tattoos to make themselves more regonizable between other folk. Gll.a is a royal faun, born from tree - first fauns were born like this, later they started to breed between. Royal fauns and their creation is a long process, tree has to make a resin heart and then they can start forming a baby. This kind of faun is filled with knowledge that their mother tree passed to them, they also usually get some characteristics from their mother tree - for example horns imitating bark of their mother's bark. Their life spawn is longer and they are harder to kill. If you remove the heart from faun's body they can live until their mother tree lives. And if you kill the mother tree and they still have a heart, they can keep on going. These fauns are very wise and calm, often live alone. They are treating everyone as their equals, especilly normal fauns are not seen as a low class. Royal fauns are in big danger because hunters try to steal their hearts and sell them on a black market, since it's one of the most rare and expensive items in the world of Azteem. Gll.a himself was attacked and almost killed in process of removing his heart. He's trying to keep distant from everybody, and also his mother tree, to avoid being killed together. Safilia is a good friend of Gll.a and loves to hang out with him, later she's faced with mission to find his heart.