Lucretia Beauford



7 years, 4 months ago


NAME ☆ Lucretia Beauford 
GENDER  Female
ORIENTATION ☆ Demisexual
RACE  Elezen/Wildwood 
ALIGNMENT ☆ Neutral Good (ish?)
CLASS ☆ Astrologian / Former Dragoon  
EYES ☆ Pink
HAIR ☆ Blonde  
PERSONALITY ☆ A very beautiful, if not slightly unhinged and quirky elezen born from a nobleman father and heretic mother. Due to the circumstances of her birth, neither her mother or father could keep her so they sent her to Gridania instead. It was there that she trained with the Pajal in the conjurers guild, becoming a healer. Due to her insane beauty, people often found themselves trying to confess to her (among other things), to which she had no real interest. Instead she suffered from insane loneliness, and her beauty seemed to cause a rift between herself and her peers. Thus, relentless teasing from those around her occurred, as they claimed her parents never wanted her and that was why she was sent away from Ishgard.

When Ishgard became accessible, a letter came from her father with instructions on where to find him and her mother, however it had been many years since the letter was written and when she arrived, her parents were long dead. Instead of facing her peers back at home, she decided to write letters to herself, pretending they were from her parents. She still follows these tasks she assigned to herself, roping in others for her crazy farce in an attempt to curb her grief and loneliness.

Note to Artists: Any hairstyle is fine! Poncho or Idol outfit is fine!