


3 years, 10 months ago


Lightning may come before thunder, but I will get here before them!

Name: Thunderpaw Nickname(s): Thunder Future name(s): Unsure Former name(s): Thunderkit Age: 7 Moons Gender: She-cat | Female Clan: Solsticeclan Rank: Apprentice Mentor: Silversnarl Apprentice(s): N/A
Fur color and pattern: Black she-cat with distint cream and golden tabby stripes.
Fur length: Medium
Body shape: Lean
Eye color: Amber
Scars: None
Other important details: N/A

a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here.


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Likes - stuff
- stuff
- stuff
Dislikes - stuff
- stuff
- stuff


Campionberry [ Mother ]

Thunderpaw and Campionberry's relationship is very rocky, Thunderpaw refuses to even call the she-cat mother due to Campionberry's neglect after her and Fennelstone began to court eachother. Her mother giving the apprentice empty promises that they would get to spend time together. It never helped the fact that her mother always scolded her for spending time with Ebonysong, now Thunderpaw wants nothing to do with her mother now more than ever since her mother is expecting a new litter with Fennelstone.

Ebonysong [ Biological Father ]

Ebonysong is a strong warrior, many look up to him due to his quick thinking in battle and strength, he had his faults especially when he left Campionberry when she was pregnant. But he and Thunderpaw get along pretty well, Thunderpaw loves Ebonysong, especially when they spend time together and he tells her stories. Even if her mother forces her to not spend time with him, she always sneaks off and talks with her father. Seeing more comfort in him than in her birth mother. Now that she's an apprentice, she doesn't let herself be controlled by her mother.

Rookkit [ Half-Brother ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

Bleakkit [ Half-Brother ]

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Storkpaw [ Crush ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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Fennelstone [ Step-Father ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

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NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Campionberry was a beautiful long-haired, blue and cream, mackerel tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat with gorgeous amber eyes and was once a very liked she-cat, who loved to put others before her own needs, while Ebonysong was a short-haired, black mackerel tabby tom, with cold calculating yellow eyes who many looked up to due to his quick thinking and strong battle moves. Both were two strong Solstice warriors, they never felt that they needed love in their life but as they grew older, they began to worry that they would die without any legacy. So they planned to become mates to have kits. Ebonysong wasn't too interested in staying mates with the she-cat so once Campionberry had become pregnant, he left her and continued his life as a strong warrior. Campionberrry already knowing that Ebonysong wasn't going to stay and help her raise the kits, she had prepared herself to be a single mother, not ready to accept anyone else who wants to take Ebonysong's spot. Campionberry was a beautiful she-cat so there were many toms who wanted to court her, and with her pregnant and the father of the kits leaving her, they all knew this was the perfect opportunity to gain a way into her heart. One of those toms was Fennelstone, a handsome red mackerel tom who was Campionberry's close friend ever since they were kits when he found out that Ebonysong and her were expecting he was heartbroken but he supported her. Until he found out that Ebonysong had abandoned her, he grew angry, disliking the tom for not seeing Campionberry to her true beauty. Thunderkit was born in the nursery on a sunny day in newleaf. She was named due to her abnormal tabby stripes. Her mother loved her, adorning how beautiful she was but soon it all changed once she was about to eat actual prey, her mother and her friend Fennelstone were spending a lot of time together, getting closer. Whenever Thunderkit attempted wit play with her mother while she was with Fennelstone, she was always pushed over, her mother saying that they'll play later, but later never came. Her mother always spending time outside the nursery with Fennelstone, being out of camp leaving the young kit to be taken care of by the other queens. Thunderkit didn't understand why her mother wasn't always in the nursery anymore with her, she knew that Fennelstone wasn't her real father, because he told her so. Telling her that Ebonysong was her true father, the she-kit turned her eyes to her actual father, attempting to at least get to know him, Ebonysong saw himself in the young kit, she has the same tough spirit he had when he was younger and took care of the young kit. Both enjoying their moments together. One day Campionberry came back early and spotted both her kit and her former mate spending time together, she flew into a rage, how dare the tom who left her when she was pregnant attempt to take her daughter away. She immediately went over and scooped the kit by the scruff and hissed at Ebonysong to stay away, that he had his chance. Thunderkit didn't understand why her mother was being so weird, it wasn't that long ago that she wanted nothing to with her why now was she so protective of her. Whenever she attempted to go to Ebonysong, her mother would always screech, hissing at her that she wasn't allowed wot spend time with him, Fennelstone didn't help at all, he was always agreeing with her mother, scolding her for even attempting to hang out with that bad tom. Thunderkit was appalled when they were talking bad about her father. She closed herself from her mother and her mate. Deciding that they weren't worth it, she ignored them and always spent time with her father, enjoying his comforting personality while she and her mother relationship shattered. Thunderpaw became an apprentice, once she had reached 6 moons, her relationship with her mother was no more. She always ignores her and dislikes seeing her and Fennelstone being so close in public, especially since they attempt to ruin her father's reputation.


  • Campionberry and Ebonysong get together but then break up after Campionberry ends up pregnant.
  • Fennelstone begins to spend time with Campionberry while she is pregnant, taking advantage of her sad/denial state.
  • Thunderkit is born during New-Leaf, Fennelstone dislikes the kit but keeps it to himself.
  • Once Thunderkit is able to eat, Fennelstone begins to make moves with Campionberry, courting her and taking her time away from Thunderkit.
  • Thunderkit begins to dislike Fennelstone, wanting to spend time with her mother. Finds out who her actual father is.
  • She and Ebonysong begin to bond as father and daughter, Campionberry is angered, begins forcing herself in her daughter's life. scolding her for spending time with Ebonysong, making up fake stuffs about him.
  • Thunderkit becomes Thunderpaw, her relationship with her mother on thin ice, she ignores anything her mother says and always spends time with Ebonysong.
Associated songs: Just compiled a few songs, if some dont make sense, just ask me!
Voice claim: Iliza Shlesinger
Fun fact: content
Fun fact: content
Fun fact: content
Profile image credits: Squipper, content, content, content

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