Veritas $10



3 years, 9 months ago


Only accepting art/character trades.

A character I made based of the song "It's a Disaster" by OK Go. 

The scars are from fights she's gotten into with other demons, and she wears them like trophies. Whenever a scar is pointed out, she typically grins and gives a long description of the battle she got that scar from. Her personal favorite is the one on her left cheek. 

Battleaxe doesn't know anything about her past life before she died except for the fact that she used to get into fights a lot. Even as a demon, she still does.

Battleaxe is scared of dogs, and loves cats. Her fear spreads to werewolves and weredogs as well. She was summoned by a werewolf once and immediately broke the contract, refusing to help them, despite knowing the consequences for doing so. She hasn't been summoned by a weredog or wolf ever since.

Battleaxe is aro-ace.