Aethalei Drastallas



3 years, 9 months ago


The Lich is what he's known as throughout the lands of Cier.
"A Demon!"
"A Terror that leaves villages in ruins."
"A blight on our precious lands!"
Aethalei Drastallas, the Lich from the western lands, is his name. Living amongst the people in secret in the day, leading an ever growing army across Cier at the dark of night. His intentions is unknown and his power rivals that of a God.
Aethalei doesn't fight that often on his own, saving his energy for the army around him. Instead he uses puppets to fight his battles. His two most prominent being the Ice Giant that follows the rear of the army and the ancient swordsman that is at his side at all times. Both sharing his power, both honing incredible skill. The Ice Giant using magic and the Swordsman with impeccable skill with the blade. Being able to slice down an entire platoon of soldiers in an instant.
While he himself rarely fights, that doesn't mean he cant. He is the proclaimed rival to Asadai after all. His rival keeping what he desires beneath the Tower he calls home. He's a powerful warlock, a necromancer or Lich. Keeping eldritch abilities beneath his cloak.
If one feels the chill of death in the dead of night, a cold sharp feeling in the dark... Run for your life, as they are likely nearby and wanting you in their army.

Aethalei Drastallas. A terrible force with a deadly army. Across the continent of Cier he's a feared rising force. The power vacuum caused by NULL.void's attacks, tearing down several hero areas and the like, has given rise to this maniacal madman and other twisted forces to come to the continent in search of land, power, or much much more. The lich's goal has been to create a great army to take on the Mage's Court, finally opening the leyline that the tower is set on, freeing the magic stored there for better use. Alone he stands no chance. Even if he's equal to Asadai in magic ability, there's still a great deal of mages and other magicians to fight back. No no, this warlock is going to need much more than his Zipper Blade to take them on. Thus his army comes into the picture. A legion of countless dead, each fight adding more bodies to throw at the tower. There are a few in his ranks however that rise above the rest. Be it by favoritism, skill, or just sheer size.

Haesou - A master swordsman from a time long lost. Durable blade and wind skills beyond compare, this risen one armed swordsman leads the charge of the Lich's armies into battle.
Rovur - A powerful priestess risen at the same time as Haesou. Legends state that the two lost their lives in a fire, as he defended her with his life against the angry mob after her head.
Once a powerful light based magician, she controls the dark shadows as her soul and body were twisted by the necromantic powers of the Lich.
Bone Amalgamation - One of the Lich's favorite toys, a behemoth of his own creation using the bones of a long dead massive beast. The head of a cyclops, hooved feet, and the torso of a giant. This terrifying creature, imbued with Ice Magic, will level any battlefield with a single breath.
Flesh Golem - What is there to say about the twisted pestulent golem of flesh and rot. A mere touch from it's hook will kill someone from the inside out.

.: Statistics :.

Max stat value is 10 for each category

Total score
Physical Power████4
Special Power██████████████9*
Penetrative Power█████5
Total score
Physical Defense█████5
Special Defense██████████████9*
Total score
Travel Speed███3
Jump Speed██2
Reaction Time█████████9
Combo Recovery█████5
Total score
Mental Strength█████████9
Elder Abilities█████5+ to applied Stats
Total score
Total██████121 (136)