
3 years, 10 months ago


  • nycteasrinah nyctearzelai
  • velkari's daughter
  • very similar to her mother in terms of appearance, though not identical; has some features from her (unknown) father, plus her own stuff
    • "softer" look than her mom; not muscular, with a stocky, curvy build
    • slightly more purplish skin & reddish wings
    • typically wears her hair in more "fancy" styles than her mother's practical ponytail; buns, braids, twists, etc
    • shorter/smaller horns, wings, n tail
    • barely ever wears full armor or carries weapons; usually sticks to soft dresses n stuff
  • super sweet and caring, despite her mother's battle training; would never hurt a fly
  • very naive and slightly childish
  • born outside of the annex, but was too young to remember her previous life (velkari joined less than a year after her daughter's birth)
  • basically raised in the luxury and safety of the bastion; has never had to fear for her life, go hungry, fight in a real battle, etc. some of the wild-born annex members resent her (and the other generals' families) for this, but nyctea isn't bothered by them