Okyna's Comments

Hello, what are you looking for for this bean? :) 

Well anything mentioned in https://toyhou.se/25597703.ocs-ufo-mainly-cs really! (Except I cannot sell this one for money, sadly)

I could technicaly offer some illustrations/arts for her, both digital or traditional mailed :) i sadly dont have many designer ocs to trade atm 

Well, offer what you think she would be worth it, I guess! I'm terrible at deciding prices for chars, especially when they are CS- and I dont have preference between digital/traditional (though, fun fact! I still have some of your traditional art on my board to the left of me rn)

yesss i remember drawing em for you! I could maybe offer you two scenes and like 5 extra busts? I think that would be fair, but I can add if you'd like :)

Do you have any examples of the scenes please?

7 Replies

Hello! <3 if this wonderful kiddo ever goes UFO, could you please let me know? If not, that’s totally fine! I’m just cruising the Cerukomod tag rn 

Hello! Sorry for late reply, didn't realize I didn't have comment notifs on. But conveniently I am thinking about trading her, because I sadly never draw her. I still love her though so I'll be picky (+I'd prefer if she stayed mate to Hiro), but feel free to offer something!

Hmm I like https://toyhou.se/8776952.x-they-stalk but I do not feel confident about trading the ceru for them because i am not sure how much i would draw them compared to this ceru. Species wise I am only interested in cccats lmao, but maybe I could try to see if i cannot find some 3-way trade if you'd be okay with that?

I’m sorry but cccats are off limits 😭 extremely tent with TheyStalk and signal, you can try for a 3-way if you’d like!

Yeah you said excluding the cccats, I just mentioned that cause ironically cccats are exactly what I'm looking for haha. I'll look for some 3-way and if I find anything I'll let you know!