


7 years, 4 months ago


Nerevil will be a late bloomer, that much is very apparent. He's had a decent growth spurt recently, which has left him a bit out of proportion, but he remains a bit short among his peers. He has a bit of a boyish build in that he lacks the broad shoulders and tapering chest of a man, however, the general wideness of his frame hides all of this. At first glance, he would look like the strong farmer boy someone would expect of a candidate of his pedigree. In reality, he's just overweight, coddled by being the youngest and thus somewhat spoiled. His streak of greed doesn't help this, either. Still, he would be considered more husky than truly fat – he has not lived in the excess of an heir of a major hold, and so his gluttony has been limited. The life of a farmer has still etched itself on this boy, as no one is immune to his upbringing. Perhaps first noticeable are the freckles that scatter about his face, shoulders, arms, and knuckles, evidence of plenty of time spent in the sun. Nerevil tends to remain a light tan from years in the sun, darkening somewhat in the summer months. That said, this is only a farmer's tan, as his torso and shoulders are a more creamy color. His hair is a rather unexciting sandy brown, kept at a medium-short length that defiantly scatters messily around his head. Aside from combing it in the morning, Nerevil doesn't care to attempt to tame it. His round eyes are a light hazel, though they often seem dark and darting, almost calculating in appearance if it wasn't for the fact that his brows always seem to be creased with concern or confusion of some kind. Add a nose that healed a little crooked after a break in his childhood and a snaggletooth and you've completed his look of your common farmer. Even his clothing, largely made of homespun, adds to his simpleton appearance.