Finpy Species's Comments

Can Finpys have additional accessories like flowers on their wings and hair?

As an accessory/item yes :3

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That would fall under in-the-works Mutation Raffle Event *it'll be done like the Gacha: * :3 They will always be raffled because Mutations are supposed to be super random ?_?

How do we obtain an myo slot?

I'll be holding my first official myo event next month once I complete the myo base. :3 *Right now I'm offering a select few at random???*

Would the myo event cost money or would it be ota style?

It would be $15usd for a myo slot but an ota myo event would be fun to do after-! :3


They're beautiful!

Thank-you (->w<-)/

You're very welcome!! I wish i could have one ^^; maybe one day, haha.

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Ouu yes!!!! :D :D

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I'm so glad you like them~! (;w;) I'm hoping to have lots more out and about soon (OTA incoming next week)/maybe a myo event once I rough out another trait sheet with the tail length info/extras XD

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*Adjkdgahhh(->w<-)* Ty so much!!