Mauricio ★



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

This character has a music player!

scroll down the page രωര

You can take a look at the outfit/style tab

there you can see the kind of clothing he uses :D

There is some fanart in the Art by Others tab

Thank you a lot to everyone who drew him!


Name Mauricio
Age 16
Gender Male
Race Human
Role High school student
Pronouns He/Him


Mauricio is very energetic, he loves playing football (soccer) and video games with Josefina and Santiago. He likes colorful clothes (mostly yellow, orange and purple), sleepovers and sports in general. He owns an old PlayStation and also plays computer games.

He is Santiago's best friend and Josefina's boyfriend, many times he has to be a mediator between them, he tries to deescalate their fights by suggesting fun things to do together and talking normally to both of them. He was very excited when Santiago and Josefina started to get along better, even if he couldn’t completely understand why.

He believes this happened because they both have an interest for paranormal things. Unlike them, he can't see the weird creatures prowling the city of Montevideo, so when they start talking about those shadows, Noir, and the magic glasses he assumed they were just playing an eerie roleplay game, and starts to play along pretending to see them too.

The three of them start to investigate about these things, going around the city, looking for any information on the internet and asking people if they have had any similar experiences. As the time passes, he takes the situation more seriously and starts believing a little more. When hearing that Santiago first saw these things after starting to use his glasses, Mauricio suggest that they should go ask the oculist who made them directly.

Design notes

Eye color Dark brown
Hair Brunette, very short, grows coily
Body He has bit of a tummy , dark skin
Height 1,66m
Extra Has pierced ears, uses small earrings, he is very sporty and active

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They have been best friends since primary school and live in the same neighbourhood. They usually meet at Santiago's house and like playing video games together, sometimes they enjoy having a soccer match at the park. Mauricio usually meets Santiago on the way to school and they walk together there.



They met each other because Josefina liked to join the soccer matches during recess and after school and started dating a while after that. They enjoy practicing soccer together, when Santiago participates they just mess around, but when it is just them they train a bit more seriously. He is always worried about her health and tries to do anything he can to help.



He can't see her and doesn't even know she is real, he thinks is just a character Josefina and Santiago made up when they started to be friends as part of a game. He plays along as he is happy to see them getting along and thinks it is a way of catharsis for Josefina.

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