


3 years, 8 months ago
Speedy PromptoBeans


Myrne, 19 during end phase of the Feroxi Civil War, Mage, outgoing but awkward and shy around older men, Feroxi (Hesperan)

That's. Literally all I got. I need more info for her. She's Caecil's mom. Canonically dead by the time we get to his adventure. Whoops.

Here's her design details:

The long story short, she's a regular ol' Fire Emblem mage: - But I do not like the Awakening design enough to use it for her.

Instead, a big part of me wants to use the unused Path of Radiance mage style. That's this one, to be precise.

But, since she's from the Regna Ferox area, her design should kind of wintery.. it wouldn't make much sense to have a skirt or dress in colder climates..

What I'm thinking:
- Obviously need a tunic like the girl mage. Just not the skirt... Maybe replace it simply with leathery shorts?
- Color palette for most of the outfit should be similar to that one, too.
- The gloves NEED to be fingerless- need to be in contact with the magic tomes. But maybe add a bit more fur to it?
- Snow Boots (Like these - you don't need to add all the details like on the belts. Please don't. The belts should be there, but not the details.)
- A hat and cloak like the girl there, but with a fur trim.. (Maybe similar to this poncho?? But the hat part being longer like the earlier image, and the cloak'd be open..)
- Honestly, just. Black tights. Thank you. It's cold in Regna Hespera.

Her hair should just be long, about past-the-shoulders length. Straightened, though a bit messy.
Preferably colored [#5C221E].
Her eyecolor should be [#84B4D7].
For both hair and eyecolor, when/if shading- make it lighter, not darker.
Being from a cold region, Myrne's skincolor is very light, I'm thinking [#FFEFEF].
She's athletic thin, with fat reserves but not obviously so.