Alei Mooka



9 years, 2 months ago


Alei is the "choosen one" - this is the term they use in Azteem (my fantasy like world) for creatures with ability to see another world - they are connecters. Born to bring balance. She didn't liked being praised and others bowing to her. After some years of being taught medicine by mother and shaman magic by father she finally felt ready to leave house and family behind. She started a new life being a wandering warrior and living close with fauns. She's respected in kingdoms for her skills, not for her choosen one tag. She helped Safilia to open a portal from Earth to Azteem and tried to learn her as much as she could. Alei owns pourch filled with small, transparent glass balls. She hands them to her friends as a gift, after they touch the ball it gets colors and shapes inside which are reflection of soul of the receiver. If she finds somewhere whole black ball it means that the owner is dead. Alei sometimes uses this technique to check real intentions of creatures which she face up. 

She's hardy and loyal, not aiming for any bigger goals, she's just trying to do her job the way it should be done. You can count on her for sure.