


3 years, 10 months ago



Species Overview

The Oleni are a species that evolved from deer creating a symbiotic relationship with fungi.

Stags contain a network of fungi in their antlers, allowing them to communicate over distances via spores, that can be received by the fungal growths in the top of the does' heads. these specific communications are only understood by the stag and his personal herd, as the growths on her head are from spores from his antlers. They are specific to his DNA. The growths on the elbows and hocks are for more general communication between the species.

Oleni stags do not shed their antlers, once it reaches maturity, the antlers cease to grow, and the fungi begin to overtake the structure. 

Their link to fungi also gives them a connection to the network under the earth that communicates between plants, meaning they can tap into this system for long distance communication via this network. a message could travel the world if given enough time.

This connection came with a trade of course. The Oleni are no longer herbivores, feeding on live prey and carrion, that is broken down in their gut by the fungus they host. 

Oleni hunt in herds, taking down prey as large as a bison. Looking similar enough to deer for prey to not know any better when the Stag is scouting prey, after he zeroes in on something suitable, he signals the does on the target. During the hunt of prey that lives in groups, the does split into two groups, and encircle their prey, one group frightens the herd, while the second isolates and ambushes the target. Hunting for solitary prey, the head hunter lies in wait, possibly with 2 or 3 other does depending on prey size, while the rest herd the prey into their expectant jaws.

Should large prey escape, the Oleni only have to track it and wait, as their bite is toxic as a carrion eater, leading to fungal infections and necrosis, usually leading to the death of the injured animal if left untreated. And should the herd reach the prey after it's been dead, no problem, rotting flesh is not toxic to The Oleni.

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Daizy ID#OLNCD01-Owned By KayDee15