Leafa Mizutani



3 years, 9 months ago


Deep Sea Hero: Aquarius 

Name: Leafa Mizutani 

Age: 26 

Height: 162cm 

Birthday: December 21

 Relationship: Masaki Mizushima (Manual) 

Occupation: Pro Hero 

Speciality: Ocean search and rescue 

Quirk: Leafy Seadragon -

 - Her quirk gives her features of a Leafy Seadragon. This includes fins/appendages that are sensitive to changes in water, including rain. She uses this to help track survivors underwater and around water.

 - When fully submerged in water, her body can camouflage, making her almost naked to the human eye, this enables her to perform recon missions easily. 

- Part of her quirk inherited from one parent, is the minute ability to create a pocket of air underwater. This allows survivors vital oxygen and more time to get them to safety.