Adopt (open)'s Comments

this is a beautiful design! i can offer anyone in my th (besides ones with hearts) or art! here is my da;

You willing to trade Ezekiel ( ) Or Mercy ( ) ??

👀👀?? I really loved those two

ezekiel is a no ONLY because he is worth around 120$ currently, but mercy i may! is there anything youd be willing to add for her perhaps? <3 thank you for ur interest

Holy smokes! Yeah sorry bout offering on him, I had no idea Ezekiel was worth that much atm!! :00

and yes <3 , I‘m willing to add on some chibi artwork (Ex: front and back Ref and/or if you want a profile pic, etc, etc). I’d be willing to do up to two different pieces (and it doesn’t have to be of this bab, of course ;0). I mostly draw ferals and anthros 

Does that sound fair? Or perhaps you want something else like a custom? Cause I can offer making you a custom instead of artwork ^^ <3

Older Example of chibi feral artwork/design:

Ur chibis are adorable! I have 2 other question - is there any characters youd add? 

And for this adopt, can you make 1 small edit? (Aka,, hair color <3) 

Thank you! I'm about to head to bed but I will be up 7am my time (11:40pm rn) 

Thank you!

And unfortunately, I’m very close to most of my ocs, so unless someone from my sale folder or new folder (with exception for ‘pink sunset’. She’s nfs) is interesting you, that’s a no.

 On the flip side, feel free to look around my sales folder and new folder.

Depending on which oc or if multiple ocs, my previous offer may be subject to change.

And yes, I’d totally be willing to do a hair edit ^^

Have a Goodnight :D 

Edit: accidentally repeated myself and had to fix grammar XD

3 Replies