


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Stylish - Impish - Traits:

Custom horns, custom mane & beard, modified deer tail, symbiotic Snapdragon tailmouth, halos x3, spectral flower petals


Cloak w/ruby heart clasp.

Dream focus:

Failures. Aegros' dreams are steeped in those times where you failed and failed /hard/, those things you regret most and leave a damper on the entire day ahead. He does his best to console the dreamers, though, helping them to find some lesson for the future... or simply to acknowledge the pain, and let them cry it out.

Hex codes:

#ffffff #919191 #c99600 #edba21/#895901 #fccf3f/#fde176/#e4a600 #216d2f/#41c359/#197e27 #885a03/#ffd430/#251937/#e585e2 #7a0210


The king in the mountain, asleep for a thousand years.


Once-time leader of a kingdom of Impish lambies, who'd taken to the lands Below to escape the hostility Between. In exchange for securing his people's safety and freedom, Aegros remained behind, allowed to sleep until such time as another Impish Lambicorn came to reside Below- he hoped that the stigma against their kind would fade, but if not, he wished to lend what aid he could to those of the future. However, the wording was... generous, so much so that it indeed only took one Impish lambie washing up within the caves to weaken, and break, the spell. 

Considered a father by Fi, eventually accompanying her back to her home. 

Snapdragon tailmouth is a symbiotic entity- a creature that once stood in the way of his subjects' journey, and one he ultimately defeated. However, a seed had gotten caught in his fur... and remained there as he slept. The ambient magic & Aegros' own allowed the seed to sprout and take hold. By the time he was woken up, the plant had become too worked in to be removed safely, and being at least somewhat sapient, Aegros doesn't feel right about harming it when it hasn't actively done him any harm yet. Flower (as Aegros has taken to calling it) is... somewhere between a parasitic and properly symbiotic entity- it can't survive without leeching from Aegros' body, but anything it ingests is shared between them (in fact, it's arguable that Flower's feeding on cave creatures and photosynthesis are why Aegros remained in as good as form as he did, curse aside). Flower is... not nice, though. Very fond of snapping at others or Aegros, seems to think anything that catches its eye belongs to it, that sort of thing. Another interesting side effect of Flower's presence- Aegros tends to leave trails of ethereal flower petals when he walks or runs, and sometimes will even cough them up. 

Halos are a permanent fixture- the sign of royalty, and are passed down along his lineage.