


3 years, 10 months ago


Full name: Karura

Height: 6'7"

Species: Ancient Prehistoric Subspecies of Humanoid

Age: Over 97 Million Years Old (Preserved and Rediscovered at 23)

Gender: Female (Uses any pronouns)

Eye Color: Murky Blue (Left eye is blind and has turned a milky white due to injury)

Hair Color: Off White

Likes: The outdoors, vast swatches of undisturbed and untouched land, fossils, gemstones, ancient pottery, birds, reptiles

Dislikes: Cities, modern technology and devices, cars, loud noises, scientists

Status: Single

Occupation: Runaway Subject

Personality: A rather stoic creature. Typically silent, cautious and highly inquisitive. They're highly intelligent and do know modern human speech but prefers to just act instead of talking. Highly guarded with their emotions, but will lower their guard when believed to be alone or with animals. Very sensitive and deeply aware that they are the only one of their species left.

Basic Background Info: Having been born 97 million years ago, Karura's upbringing is extremely different than the modern world. They were born into a a hunter gather type tribe and scientists have speculated that either Karura was a leader of the group or married to the leader. Karura has never told them what their life was like, the only thing they've ever communicated through drawings was how they came to be found. They were trapped in a freak snow storm that ravaged the area millions of years ago. The storm caused Karura's body to be preserved in a pillar of ice and though some biological miracle, Karura was revived by researchers slowly melting the ice. That was all that could be gained from Karura before she escaped scientist's custody. Currently, Karura has been living away from all people as best they can. Though they seem to be drawn innately to archeological dig sites, they want to know what happened to their tribe and the world that they knew.